Lingerie Fabric Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A smooth, soft, and shiny cloth that is made from thread produced by silkworms.

Definition 2:
The thread that is used to make silk count noncount often used before another noun .

silks from China
A variety of silks and satins
Embroidery silks
A dress (made) of blue silk
Pure silk
The robe has butterflies embroidered in silk on the sleeves.
Her hair is as smooth as silk. [=very smooth]
A silk blouse/scarf
Definition 3:
The thread that is produced by a spider .

The silk of a spider’s web
Spider silk
Definition 4:
The thin strings in an ear of corn .

Corn silk
Definition 5:
The cap and shirt worn by a jockey .

The stable’s red and green racing silks
Definition 6:
A lawyer who has reached the highest rank :a Queen’s Counsel or King’s Counsel count noncount .

She maintains a busy practice as a leading silk in employment law.
He took silk [=reached the highest barrister’s rank] in 2001.

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