Magazine Unit Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
One side of a sheet of paper especially in a book, magazine, etc. abbr. p see also front-page title page.

The book is 237 pages long.
The article continues on page 12.
A three-page article
See the chart on the following/facing/opposite/next page.
They ran the story on the front page of the newspaper.
A blank page [=a sheet of paper that does not have anything written on it]
It was thrilling to finally see her poetry on the printed page. [=in a book, magazine, etc.]
The computer will automatically put a page number at the bottom of each page.
Definition 2:
The material printed or written on a page .

Read the second page out loud.
The event described in these pages is nothing like what I remember.
The sports/financial/business pages [=the part of the newspaper that has sports, financial information, business news, etc.]
Definition 3:
A sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc. see also white pages yellow pages.

He ripped a page out of the phone book.
Definition 4:
One section of a Web site that is found at a single address see also home page web page.

You’ll find that information on the “Contact Us” page.
Definition 5:
An important event or period in history .

His accomplishments hold a special place in the pages of history.

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