Manner of speaking Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Manner of speaking from the NetWord Crossword. Bookmark this website for NetWord Crossword Answers.

Question: Manner of speaking

Solution: STYLE

STYLE Definition 1:
A particular way in which something is done, created, or performed count noncount .
I don’t like the flowery style of his writing.
She has a unique style of singing.
A baseball pitcher with an unusual style
She writes with more attention to style than to content.
The room was decorated in modern style.
STYLE Definition 2:
A particular form or design of something .
The car is available in several different styles.
A new dress style
The Greek style of architecture
The range of clothing styles has become more varied.
Victorian-style drapes
STYLE Definition 3:
A way of behaving or of doing things .
His management style is abrasive.
Openly criticizing a fellow worker is just not my style. [=I would never openly criticize a fellow worker]
You’re a good negotiator. I like your style. [=I like the way you do things]
STYLE Definition 4:
A particular way of living see also lifestyle.
He has been living in high style. [=he has been living the way rich people live]
STYLE Definition 5:
The quality that makes things attractive, fashionable, etc. .
He has a real sense of style.
She’s a woman of style. [=she’s a stylish woman]
STYLE Definition 6:
An easy and graceful manner .
It was an awkward moment but she handled it with style.
STYLE Definition 7:
The way that written words are spelled, capitalized, etc. .
Each newspaper had its own style.
A style guide

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