Most Attractive Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Star Tribune Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Most Attractive” from the Star Tribune Crossword.
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Definition 1:
Attractive to look at usually in a simple or delicate way used especially of a girl or woman .

A pretty dress
pretty flowers
She has a pretty face.
I’ve never seen her looking so happy or so pretty.
Definition 2:
Pleasant to look at or listen to beautiful.

A pretty sunset/room/voice/name/poem
That song is pretty. = That’s a pretty song.
Definition 3:
Large or impressive .

He made a pretty profit selling his antique car.
She received a pretty sum of money.
Definition 4:
Pleasant to see or experience usually used in negative statements .

What a pretty [=nice] day.
The game wasn’t pretty but at least we won.
It isn’t going to be pretty when the mayor finds out his son has been arrested.
The kitchen was not a pretty sight [=the kitchen was very messy] after we finished making breakfast.
Definition 5:
Very unpleasant .

What a pretty [=terrible] mess you’ve gotten us into!
A pretty [=miserable] state of affairs

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