NC-17, for one Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: NC-17, for one from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: NC-17, for one

Solution: RATING

RATING Definition 1:
A measurement of how good, difficult, efficient, etc., something or someone is see also credit rating.
The President’s approval rating is lower than it was a month ago. [=fewer people approve of the President this month]
The school has an above-average academic rating.
The article compares the fuel-economy ratings of various cars.
RATING Definition 2:
Numbers that show how many people watch or listen to a particular television or radio program .
“How is the show doing in the ratings?” “It’s down in the ratings [=few people are watching it]. I think it’ll be canceled.”
RATING Definition 3:
A symbol that is officially given to a movie, video game, etc., to tell people what audience it is appropriate for .
Both movies received G ratings. [=both movies are rated G; both movies are appropriate for people of all ages]
RATING Definition 4:
A statement about the normal power or limit of a machine, engine, etc. .
A 15 amp rating
The car has a horsepower rating of 500.
RATING Definition 5:
Someone in the navy who is not an officer.

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