Offend the nose Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Offend the nose from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers.

Question: Offend the nose

Solution: STINK

STINK Definition 1:
To have a very bad smell often + of sometimes used figuratively .
These dirty clothes stink.
Something stinks in here.
His clothes stank of dead fish.
Something stinks about his story. [=something about his story does not seem true or honest]
The whole project stinks of corruption.
STINK Definition 2:
To do something very poorly .
I stink at golf. [=I’m a very bad golfer]
STINK Definition 3:
To be very low in quality .
The movie stunk. [=the movie was very bad]
The food is good at that restaurant, but the service stinks.
STINK Definition 4:
To be very unpleasant, unfair, etc. .
Having a root canal stinks.
It stinks that you can’t stay longer. [=I’m very sorry/disappointed that you can’t stay longer]

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