On The Disabled List Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To cause pain or injury to (yourself, someone else, or a part of your body) injure.

Be careful with that knife or you could hurt yourself.
Ouch! You’re hurting my arm!
I hurt my back (while) carrying a heavy box up the stairs.
She was badly/seriously hurt in a car accident.
My tooth/back still hurts me.
Don’t worry about the dog—he wouldn’t hurt a fly. [=the dog would never bite or attack anyone; the dog is very gentle]
Definition 2:
To be a source or cause of pain .

My tooth/back hurts (a lot/little).
It hurts [=it is painful] to walk on hot pavement with bare feet.
The injection didn’t hurt at all. = It didn’t hurt a bit.
Ouch! That hurts!
My arm hurts very badly. = (informally) My arm hurts like hell.
My leg hurt. = (chiefly US) My leg was hurting.
Definition 3:
To feel physical pain .

When I woke up this morning I hurt all over.
Definition 4:
To make (someone) sad or upset :to cause (someone) to suffer emotionally .

Their lack of interest in her work hurt her deeply.
You’re only hurting yourself by holding a grudge against them.
It hurt me to see her go.
It hurts me to say this [=I don’t enjoy saying this], but I just don’t think you can do the job.
I can’t tell him the meal was bad because I don’t want to hurt his feelings. [=hurt him; make him sad or upset]
Definition 5:
To feel emotional pain or distress .

My sister has really been hurting [=has been very upset and unhappy] since her boyfriend left her.
Definition 6:
To do harm to (someone or something) :to affect (someone or something) in a bad or harmful way :damage + obj no obj usually used in negative statements .

The lack of rain has hurt the corn crop.
If we lose this game it will seriously hurt our chances of making the play-offs.
These new regulations will hurt small businesses.
hurt profits/sales
There’s no doubt that this scandal has hurt her image.
Would it hurt you to cook dinner for once? = It wouldn’t hurt you to cook dinner for once. [=you should cook dinner]
As far as he’s concerned, what he doesn’t know can’t/won’t hurt him. [=he would rather not know about something; he thinks that if he does not know about something, he cannot be damaged by it, blamed for it, etc.]
The company needs to cut spending, even if it hurts.
I know he’s qualified for the job, but it doesn’t hurt [=it helps] that the company president is his mother’s best friend.
It wouldn’t hurt to try a little harder. [=you should try a little harder]
We may not finish on time, but it won’t hurt to try. [=we should try]
“Should I ask her for a job?” “It couldn’t/can’t hurt (to ask).” [=she may give you a job if you ask]
Definition 7:
To have many problems :to be in a bad situation or condition .

Those poor people are hurting and need our help.
The local economy is hurting right now. [=it is doing poorly]

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