One After The Other, Keys Let Down Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To release air or gas from (something, such as a tire or balloon) and make it smaller .

deflate the tires
A deflated football
Definition 2:
To lose air or gas from inside opposite inflate.

The birthday balloons deflated after a few days.
Definition 3:
To make (someone) lose confidence or pride .

The harsh criticism left him utterly deflated.
An insult that would deflate their egos
Definition 4:
To show that (something) is not important or true .

deflate [=defuse] an argument
He has worked to deflate popular myths about investing.
Definition 5:
To cause (prices, costs, etc.) to decrease :to cause (something, such as money or real estate) to lose value .

Economic polices that could deflate (the value of) the dollar
Deflated prices mean that farmers are getting less for their products.

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