Outlandish Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Outlandish from the NetWord Crossword. Bookmark this website for NetWord Crossword Answers.

Question: Outlandish

Solution: CRAZY

CRAZY Definition 1:
Not sane: such as.CRAZY Definition 2:
Having or showing severe mental illness This sense is no longer used in a serious way and is now usually considered offensive. The phrase mentally ill is preferred..
A hospital for crazy people
CRAZY Definition 3:
Unable to think in a clear or sensible way .
She’s crazy with jealousy.
He’s been acting kind of crazy lately.
CRAZY Definition 4:
used in the phrase drive/make (someone) crazy to describe annoying or bothering someone very much see also stir-crazy.
It makes me crazy [=I feel very annoyed] when people drive like that.
That noise is driving me crazy. [=it is really annoying me]
The kids were driving the teacher crazy.
CRAZY Definition 5:
Wild and uncontrolled .
He had a crazy [=crazed, insane, wild] look in his eyes.
CRAZY Definition 6:
Very foolish or unreasonable .
He likes to drive at crazy [=insane] speeds.
There are a lot of crazy drivers on the streets.
You are crazy to have paid so much for this car.
You would be crazy not to accept their offer!
What a crazy thing to do!
CRAZY Definition 7:
Very strange or unusual .
She likes crazy hair colors, like pink and blue.
How do you think of all these crazy ideas?
I love to listen to my uncle’s crazy stories about his job.
CRAZY Definition 8:
Liking someone or something very much :very fond of or enthusiastic about someone or something often + about .
She’s crazy for anything having to do with Japanese animation.
Teenagers who are girl/boy crazy [=very interested in girls/boys]
They are crazy about each other. [=they like each other a lot]
He wasn’t crazy about making the trip, but was glad he did in the end.
She is crazy about baseball.

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