Pillars Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A long post made of steel, stone, etc., that is used as a support in a building .

A facade with marble columns
Definition 2:
A group of printed or written items (such as numbers or words) shown one under the other down a page .

Add the first column of numbers.
Definition 3:
Any one of two or more sections of print that appear next to each other on a page and are separated by a blank space or a line see picture at table.

The article takes up three columns.
The error appears at the bottom of the second column.
Definition 4:
An article in a newspaper or magazine that appears regularly and that is written by a particular writer or deals with a particular subject see also advice column.

A sports/gossip column
She writes a weekly column for the paper.
Definition 5:
Something that is tall and thin in shape often + of see also steering column.

Columns of smoke rose from the chimneys.
Definition 6:
A long row of people or things often + of .

A column of troops/cars

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