Planet Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Code Letter Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Planet” from the Code Letter Crossword.
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Definition 1:
The earth and all the people and things on it .

The countries/people/languages of the world
He is famous throughout the world.
They sailed around the world.
People from (all) around/across the world = people from all over the world
The tallest building in the (whole/entire) world = the world’s tallest building
It can be found anywhere/everywhere in the world.
The product is shipped halfway around/across the world.
The problem occurs in many/other/different parts of the world.
The island was cut off from the rest of the world.
They want to see/travel the world.
Definition 2:
A part of the world and the people and things that exist there see also first world new world old world third world.

The Eastern and Western worlds
The industrialized world
People living in the English-speaking world
Definition 3:
Human society The real world is the world where everyone lives, works, and deals with everyday problems. .

The history of the world
The ancient and modern worlds
I felt alone in the world.
She became depressed and withdrew from the world.
In an ideal/perfect world, no one would go hungry.
Ambitious students who want to change the world
She seems ignorant of the ways of the world.
After college, she went out into the real world and got a job.
He seems out of touch with the real world.
Definition 4:
The people in the world The outside world refers to the people who live outside of a particular place or who do not belong to a particular group. .

She felt that the world was against her.
We had no help or support. It was just us against the world.
They announced their discovery to the world.
He sat in a café watching the world go by. [=watching people go by]
The world watched as he attempted to break the Olympic record.
She felt the eyes of the world watching her.
It’s a private matter. I wish you wouldn’t tell the whole world about it!
The inmates have little contact with the outside world.
A local artist who was unknown to the outside world
Definition 5:
A particular kind of interest, activity, or social situation, or the people who are involved in it see also twilight world.

The art/music/fashion world
The business and financial worlds
The world of the rich and famous
Definition 6:
A group of things of a particular type .

The animal/plant/insect world
Definition 7:
A particular environment .

The natural world
Exploring the underwater world
Technology is forever changing our world.
Definition 8:
A particular part of human life and experience .

The physical/material/spiritual world
Definition 9:
The life and experiences of a particular person .

His (whole/entire) world fell apart when his wife left him.
She acts as if she doesn’t have a care in the world. [=she acts as if she has no worries at all]
Definition 10:
A planet where there is life :a planet that is like Earth .

Stories about other worlds
A creature from another world
Definition 11:
A great amount of something .

He’s in a world of trouble. [=a lot of trouble]
The new mattress made a world of difference.
A vacation would do you a world of good.
Definition 12:
All that is important :everything .

I would give my children the world if I could.
She means the world to me. [=she is extremely important to me; I care about her very much]
It would mean the world to me if you came with me.
He thinks the world of you. [=he thinks very highly of you]

Don’t close the page if you need other answers from the same crossword. Go back to this link to find Code Letter by Pat Sajak September 04, 2018

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