Protection from harm Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Protection from harm from the Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crosswords. Bookmark this website for Pat Sajak’s Code Letter Crossword Answers.

Question: Protection from harm

Solution: SAFETY

SAFETY Definition 1:
Freedom from harm or danger :the state of being safe often used before another noun .
The changes were made in the interest of public safety.
He made some suggestions about how to improve airline safety.
Bike/traffic safety
I’m worried about the safety of the people who were left behind.
He sought safety in a church. [=he went into a church to be safe]
She fears for her own safety. [=she is afraid because she thinks she is in danger]
We were reluctant to leave the relative safety of our hotel.
She was only a mile from the safety of her home when the accident occurred.
The climbers were roped together for safety. = The climbers were roped together for safety’s sake.
There is safety in numbers. [=you are safer in a group of people than you are when you are alone]
Safety first” [=the most important thing is to be safe]—that’s what I always say.
safety experts/hazards/precautions
A safety violation
A safety harness/catch
safety devices/features
safety glasses/goggles
SAFETY Definition 2:
The state of not being dangerous or harmful .
The car has been redesigned for improved/added/increased safety.
The toys are inspected for safety.
SAFETY Definition 3:
A place that is free from harm or danger :a safe place .
They were led/pulled/dragged to safety by the rescuers.
The injured hiker was finally able to reach safety.
SAFETY Definition 4:
A device that prevents a gun from being fired accidentally called also safety catch.SAFETY Definition 5:
A defensive player whose position is far back from the line of scrimmage.SAFETY Definition 6:
A score of two points for the defensive team when an offensive player who has the ball is tackled behind his own team’s goal line.

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