Reducing to its essentials Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Reducing to its essentials from the NetWord Crossword. Bookmark this website for NetWord Crossword Answers.

Question: Reducing to its essentials


BOILINGDOWN Definition 1:
To become so hot that bubbles are formed in a liquid and rise to the top .
Let the water boil.
Keep the temperature low enough so the mixture will not boil.
A pot of boiling water
The kettle (of water) is boiling. = The water in the kettle is boiling.
French fries cooked in boiling oil
Cook the mixture until the liquid has boiled away. [=until the liquid has gone; until all of the liquid has turned into steam]
BOILINGDOWN Definition 2:
To heat (a liquid or a container with liquid in it) so that bubbles are formed and rise to the top .
Boil (up) some water.
Can you boil a kettle (of water) for tea?
BOILINGDOWN Definition 3:
To cook (something) in water that is boiling + obj no obj .
Boil the eggs/vegetables.
Make sure you boil (up) a lot of potatoes.
boiled eggs/potatoes
He put some potatoes on to boil. [=he put a pot with potatoes and water in it on the stove and turned the burner on]
The pasta is boiling.
BOILINGDOWN Definition 4:
To feel a strong emotion (such as anger) + with .
The crowd boiled [=seethed] with anger.

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