Responded to a survey Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Responded to a survey from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: Responded to a survey

Solution: ANSWERED

ANSWERED Definition 1:
To say or write something when someone asks you a question :to give an answer to (a question) + obj no obj .
She answered all my questions.
He answered only three of the test questions correctly.
When the police asked him his name, he refused to answer.
She answered correctly/incorrectly.
ANSWERED Definition 2:
To say or write (something) as a reply .
When asked if she would run for office, she answered that she hadn’t decided. = When asked if she would run for office, she answered “I haven’t decided.”
ANSWERED Definition 3:
To reply to (someone) :to say or write something as a response to (someone) .
When I ask you a question I expect you to answer me!
Answer me this: where have you put my money?
ANSWERED Definition 4:
To write a response to a letter, e-mail message, etc. no obj + obj .
I sent her a letter asking for her help, but she never answered.
She never answered my letter. = She never answered me.
ANSWERED Definition 5:
To pick up (a ringing telephone) no obj + obj .
The phone rang repeatedly, but no one answered.
Would somebody please answer the phone?
answer a phone call
ANSWERED Definition 6:
To open a door when someone knocks on it no obj + obj .
I knocked on the door but no one answered.
No one answered the door.
ANSWERED Definition 7:
To act in response to (something) :to react to (something) by taking some action + obj no obj .
I got the job by answering a “help wanted” ad in the newspaper.
When the war began, thousands of young men answered the call to arms. [=thousands of young men joined the armed forces]
He answered her anger with indifference. [=he responded to her anger by acting indifferent]
The home team scored first but the visiting team answered quickly. [=the visiting team also scored soon after the home team scored]
ANSWERED Definition 8:
To say something in response to (something, such as an accusation) :to defend yourself against (something) .
The police chief will appear in court today to answer charges of corruption.
answer criticism
ANSWERED Definition 9:
To be the same as (something) :to be in agreement with (something, such as a description) see also answer to 1 (below).
The suspect answered [=matched] the description that had been given by the witness.
ANSWERED Definition 10:
To be what is needed for (something) see also answer for 1c (below).
We don’t have a sink, but this bucket will answer [=(more commonly) serve] the purpose. [=we can use this bucket as a sink]

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