Return To Earth, As A Plane Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
The solid part of the surface of the Earth :an area of ground often used before another noun see also dry land lay of the land wetland.

Arid/fertile/flat land
The land along the highway
The land stretched as far as you could see.
They cleared some land to grow crops.
After two days of sailing, we were miles from land.
They invaded the country by land and by sea.
land animals [=animals that live on land]
A total land area of two miles
A land battle/war [=a battle/war fought on the ground rather than at sea or in the air]
Definition 2:
An area of the earth’s solid surface that is owned by someone noncount plural often used before another noun .

They own land in Alaska.
They bought some land and built a house.
A piece/plot of land
His lands extend as far as the eye can see.
land development/ownership/prices
Definition 3:
A country or nation sometimes used figuratively see also dreamland la-la land never-never land no-man’s land promised land.

He was the most powerful politician in the land.
Foreign lands
The lands of/in the Far East
He always remained loyal to his native land. [=the country in which he was born]
America, the land of opportunity
In the land [=realm] of dreams
A land of illusion
Definition 4:
Land in the countryside that is thought of as providing a simple and good way of living .

He wanted to move/get back to the land.
People who are living off the land [=getting food by farming, hunting, etc.]
Farmers working the land [=planting and growing crops]

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