Seriously Solemn Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A hole in the ground for burying a dead body When people think that a dead person would be very shocked or upset to see something that is happening now, they say that person is or must be turning/spinning in his/her grave or US turning over in his/her grave or US rolling (over) in his/her grave. .

Dig a grave
The casket was lowered into the grave.
He was buried in a shallow grave.
We went to the cemetery to visit my aunt’s grave. [=to visit the place where my aunt’s body is buried]
A headstone marks her son’s grave.
grave robbers [=people who dig up a buried body to steal the things that were buried with it]
The company founder must be turning in his grave because of the changes we’ve made.
Definition 2:
used to talk about death .

She took her secrets with her to the grave. [=she died without telling anyone her secrets]
He believes that there is life beyond the grave. [=that there is life after death]
A hard life drove him to an early grave. [=caused him to die when he was fairly young]
She went to her grave [=she died] a lonely and bitter woman.

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