Sewing Tool Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A small, very thin object that is used in sewing and that has a sharp point at one end and a hole for thread see picture at sewing.

I need a needle and thread to sew the button on your shirt.
Definition 2:
One of the two long, thin sticks that are used in knitting and that are pointed at one end.

Definition 3:
A very thin, pointed steel tube that is pushed through the skin so that something (such as a drug) can be put into your body or so that blood or other fluids can be taken from it .

A hypodermic needle
Definition 4:
A very thin tube used with a pump to put air into a ball (such as a basketball or football).

Definition 5:
A long, thin object that moves to point to something (such as a measurement or direction) .

The needle on the scale points to 9 grams.
The compass needle points north.
Definition 6:
A leaf that is shaped like a very thin stick see color picture on page C6.

Pine needles
Definition 7:
A very small piece of metal that touches a record and produces sound when the record is played .

The needle of a record player

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