Sketch Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To make (a picture, image, etc.) by making lines on a surface especially with a pencil, pen, marker, chalk, etc., but not usually with paint + obj no obj compare paint.

He drew me a picture of the bike. = He drew a picture of the bike for me.
The computer can draw the graph for you.
Students drew maps of the states and labeled them.
You draw very well.
She sat down and began to draw.
Definition 2:
To cause (attention) to be given to someone or something .

The case has drawn attention to the fact that many athletes never graduate.
I would like to draw your attention to the third line.
He didn’t want to draw attention to himself. [=he did not want to cause people to notice him]
Definition 3:
To cause (someone or something) to come :to attract (someone or something) .

The band always draws a large crowd.
She felt drawn [=attracted] to the young man.
The college draws students from around the world.
The animals were drawn to the campsite by the smell of food.
We hope the display in the window will draw customers in from the street.
The lure of city life has drawn away many of the town’s young people.
My eye was drawn to the painting. [=some characteristic of the painting made me want to look at it]
Definition 4:
To cause (someone) to become involved or interested in something or someone + in, into, or to often used as (be/get) drawn .

What first drew you to teaching?
A good writer knows how to draw readers in. [=how to make readers interested; how to make people want to read something]
She was drawn in by his friendly manner. [=she wanted to know and talk to him because he was friendly]
She got drawn into the conversation.
Definition 5:
To get or receive (something) :to get (a particular response or reaction) .

A television show that has drawn consistently high ratings
The player drew a foul.
His speech drew cheers from the crowd.
The movie has drawn much criticism/praise from critics.
He is a talented high school athlete who has drawn the interest of several major colleges.
The principal’s remarks have drawn fire [=attracted angry criticism] from both parents and teachers.
Definition 6:
To move in a specified direction sometimes used figuratively .

She drew away from the spider.
He opened the door and drew back in horror/shock/fear.
The car drew (up) alongside us.
The train drew [=pulled] into the station.
She drew her eyebrows together in a frown of concentration.
He drew away [=(more commonly) withdrew] from his family.
Definition 7:
To move (something) by pulling sometimes used figuratively .

A carriage drawn by horses = a horse-drawn carriage
Draw the curtains/blinds/shades. [=open or close the curtains/blinds/shades]
A special fabric that draws moisture away from the skin
She drew the blanket over her head.
Draw up a chair and join us. [=bring a chair to where we are and sit down with us]
She sat down in the chair and drew up her knees/legs. [=she bent her legs and moved her knees toward her chest]
The tragedy drew us closer together. [=made us emotionally closer]
Definition 8:
To move gradually or steadily in time or space .

The lion drew closer to its prey.
The sun is setting and the day is drawing to a close. [=ending]
Spring is drawing near/nigh. [=approaching]
The car drew to a halt/stop. [=the car slowed down and stopped]
Definition 9:
To form (something, such as an idea or conclusion) after thinking carefully about information you have often + from .

You can draw your own conclusions.
A writer who draws ideas from newspaper stories
We can draw lessons from past mistakes. [=we can learn from past mistakes]
Definition 10:
To describe how two or more things are similar or different :to make (a comparison, distinction, etc.) between two or more things .

Many people have been drawing comparisons between the two movies. [=have been saying that the movies are similar]
She drew important distinctions between the two methods. [=described important ways that the two methods are different]
Definition 11:
To take (something) out of a container, pocket, etc. see also at daggers drawn at dagger.

They were arguing, and then one of them drew [=pulled] a gun.
One of the thieves drew a knife on her. [=one of the thieves took a knife out of a pocket, container, etc., and pointed it at her]
She drew water from the well.
Definition 12:
To cause (something) to come out of a source .

He drew [=ran] water for a bath.
Definition 13:
To get (something) from a source .

The car also draws power from a battery.
She draws strength/inspiration from her loving family.
Definition 14:
To take (a card) from a group of cards + obj no obj .

Draw four cards.
You haven’t drawn yet.
Definition 15:
To choose (a thing) from a group without knowing which one you are choosing see also draw lots at lot.

She drew the winning number/ticket.
We drew names from a hat to decide who would go on the trip.
(Brit) The U.S. team have been drawn against [=chosen to play against] Greece in the first round.
Definition 16:
To decide something by choosing something from a group see also draw straws (below).

We’ll draw to see who will drive.
Definition 17:
To make (something, such as a legal document) in a proper or legal form often + up .

We hired a lawyer to draw a will.
They drew up a contract/proposal/plan/list.
Definition 18:
To take (something, such as air or smoke) into your lungs by breathing often + in .

She drew a deep breath before responding.
He drew the fresh air in. = He drew in the fresh air.
Definition 19:
To let air flow through .

Make sure the chimney is drawing properly.
The pipe draws well.
Definition 20:
To take (money) from a bank account :withdraw usually + from or out .

He drew $100 from the bank.
She drew out the money.
Definition 21:
To receive (money) regularly from an employer, government, bank, etc. .

He draws a salary of about $100,000.
He draws unemployment benefits.
She has started to draw her pension.
Definition 22:
To write (a check) and have money taken from a bank account .

You are now authorized to draw checks from the corporate account.
Definition 23:
To finish a game, contest, etc., without having a winner :tie + obj no obj often + against .

We drew [=(US) tied] the game 3–3.
The teams drew [=(US) tied] 3–3. [=each team scored three points]
The teams have drawn against each other.
Definition 24:
To bend (a bow) by pulling back the string .

He drew his bow and aimed at the target.
Definition 25:
To cause (someone) to say more about something especially by questioning often used as (be) drawn usually + on .

She refused to be drawn on whether the company is considering a merger.
Definition 26:
To need (a particular depth of water) in order to float .

The ship draws 45 feet of water.

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