Slip Away From Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To avoid or escape (someone or something) by being quick, skillful, or clever .

The killer was able to elude the police.
The killer has eluded capture.
(American football) The running back eluded five tacklers.
Definition 2:
To fail to be understood or remembered by (someone) .

The cause of the disease continues to elude researchers.
The name of the author eludes me for the moment. [=I don’t remember the name of the author]
Definition 3:
To fail to be achieved by (someone) .

Victory has eluded us. [=we have been unable to achieve victory]
Definition 4:
When something eludes detection/discovery, people try to find it but are unable to. .

The cause of the disease has eluded detection/discovery.

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