Snare Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A device that is used for catching animals see also mousetrap.

They set traps to catch the mice.
A bear/lobster trap
She has a mind like a steel trap. [=she remembers everything]
Definition 2:
Something that is used or done to stop or capture someone (such as a criminal) .

The police are laying/setting a trap to catch him.
The soldiers had walked/stumbled into a trap.
Definition 3:
A situation in which someone is tricked into doing or saying something see also speed trap.

Credit card companies were accused of laying/setting traps for consumers. [=tricking consumers]
Definition 4:
A bad position or situation from which it is difficult to escape see also poverty trap.

A mental/theoretical trap
Many new businesses fail because they try to expand too quickly, but we have so far managed to avoid that trap.
They tended to view marriage as a trap.
Don’t fall into the trap of believing that technology can solve all our problems.
Definition 5:
sand trap.

Definition 6:
mouth .

Can he keep his trap shut about it? [=can he be trusted not to tell anyone about it?]
Shut your trap! I’ve heard enough!
Definition 7:
A bend in a pipe that contains water and that prevents gas from passing through the pipe called also (Brit) U-bend see picture at plumbing.

A plumbing trap
Definition 8:
A light carriage that is usually pulled by one horse .

A horse and trap

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