Snatch Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To use legal or official power to take (something) .

Police seized [=confiscated] the weapons and drugs.
The bank seized their property.
Definition 2:
To get or take (something) in a forceful, sudden, or violent way .

The army has seized control of the city.
A rebel group attempted to seize power.
He suddenly seized the lead in the final lap of the race.
Definition 3:
To attack and take control of (a place) by force or violence .

The soldiers seized [=captured] the fort.
Definition 4:
To forcefully take and hold (someone or something) with your hand or arms :grab .

He seized her by the arm.
He tried to seize the gun from him.
She seized hold of my hand. [=she seized my hand]
Definition 5:
To take (someone) as a prisoner .

The police seized [=arrested] the robbers.
Seize that man!
She was seized by kidnappers and carried off to a hidden location.
Definition 6:
To take or use (something, such as a chance or opportunity) in a quick and eager way .

He seized the chance/initiative/opportunity to present his ideas to his boss.
My father taught me to seize the day. [=to do the things I want to do when I have the chance instead of waiting for a later time]
Seizing the moment, she introduced herself to the famous film director.
Definition 7:
To begin to affect (someone) suddenly .

Panic seized him. = He was seized by panic.
Definition 8:
To have a powerful effect on (someone) .

His movies seized the public’s imagination. [=the public became very interested in and enthusiastic about his movies]
She was suddenly seized with the idea [=she suddenly had the idea] of owning her own restaurant.

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