Some can be unscrewed Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: Some can be unscrewed from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: Some can be unscrewed

Solution: CAPS

CAPS Definition 1:
A small, soft hat that often has a hard curved part (called a visor) that extends out over your eyes see also baseball cap.
A Harvard University cap [=a cap that has the name or symbol of Harvard University on it]
A knit/knitted cap
His wool/tweed cap
CAPS Definition 2:
A covering for a person’s head that is worn for a special purpose see also thinking cap.
A shower/bathing cap [=a head covering that people wear to keep their hair dry when they are showering/swimming]
CAPS Definition 3:
A hat that people with particular jobs wear while working .
A painter’s cap
A surgeon’s cap, gown, and gloves
CAPS Definition 4:
A part or object that covers the end or top of something .
A bottle cap
A lens cap
A pill bottle with a childproof cap
Put the cap back on the marker when you are done using it.
CAPS Definition 5:
A part that forms the top of something .
A bird with a black cap [=a black section of feathers on the top of its head]
A mushroom cap [=the top part of a mushroom]
CAPS Definition 6:
A limit on the amount of money that can be spent, given, charged, etc., for something .
A spending cap
A cap on political donations
A cap on doctor’s fees
CAPS Definition 7:
A paper or metal container that holds an explosive substance .
A blasting cap
CAPS Definition 8:
A capital letter usually plural .
E-mails written in all caps
She signed the letter with her name in caps: KIM.
CAPS Definition 9:
A hard substance that is shaped to look like a healthy tooth and used to cover a damaged tooth.CAPS Definition 10:
An opportunity to play for your school or country .
He won his first cap against Columbia when he was 22.
CAPS Definition 11:
A player chosen to play for a country’s team.CAPS Definition 12:
diaphragm 3.

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