State Aim To Stand By Soldiers Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To act or speak officially for (someone or something) .

He represented his company at the meeting.
She hired an agent to represent her in the contract negotiations.
Definition 2:
To have a government position in which you speak or act for (a particular group, state, etc.) .

Senator Smith represents the state of Connecticut.
Definition 3:
To speak or act for (someone or something) in a court of law .

He represented himself at the trial. [=he spoke for himself at the trial and did not have a lawyer]
The company is represented by a local law firm.
Definition 4:
To be part of a sports event or other competition for (a particular country, city, school, etc.) .

She represented the United States in figure skating at the Olympics.
Definition 5:
used to say that people from a particular place or group are present at an event, meeting, etc. .

The town was well represented at the meeting. [=there were many people from the town at the meeting]
Definition 6:
To form or be something .

The money he makes from his investments represents [=constitutes] over half his income.
The court’s decision represents a victory for small businesses.
The new prices represent a substantial increase over last year’s prices.
Definition 7:
To be an example of (someone or something) .

He represents everything I dislike about politics/politicians.
They have a collection of animals representing more than 50 species.
Definition 8:
To be a sign or symbol of (someone or something) .

The flag represents our country.
Letters represent sounds.
High and low temperatures are represented by colored lines on the graph.
She is beginning to question the company and everything it represents. [=stands for]
Definition 9:
To show (someone or something) in a picture, painting, photograph, etc. .

This painting represents [=portrays, depicts] Queen Elizabeth.
Definition 10:
To describe (someone or something) in a particular way often used to suggest that a description is false .

The politician was angry with the newspaper for representing [=portraying] his party negatively.
He represented himself as poor, but I saw him driving an expensive new car.

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