Stenographer’s Need Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
An object that is thin, flat, and usually soft see also ink pad.

He sits with a foam pad behind him to help support his lower back.
The doctor put a gauze pad over the wound.
She lay in bed with a heating pad. [=an electric mat that heats up and is held against the body to reduce pain]
A mattress pad [=a covering that goes under a sheet on a bed to protect the mattress]
She had trouble finding a suit jacket without shoulder pads. [=small pads used to shape the shoulders of a shirt, dress, or jacket]
You need to replace your car’s brake pads. [=the part of the brakes that are pressed on the wheel when you stop or slow down the car]
Definition 2:
A covering for a specific part of the body that is worn to protect that part from injury usually plural .

The football players wore their helmets and shoulder and hip pads to practice today.
She wears elbow and knee pads when she goes skating.
Definition 3:
sanitary napkin.

Definition 4:
A usually rough piece of material used in cleaning .

A scouring pad
Definition 5:
A set of paper sheets for writing or drawing that are glued or fastened at one edge see also notepad scratch pad.

They keep a pad and pencil by the phone.
A sketch pad [=a notebook or pad of blank paper for drawing]
Definition 6:
The soft part on the bottom of the foot of a dog, cat, etc..

Definition 7:
The place where someone lives usually singular .

She lent me the keys to her pad while she was away.
He held many wild parties in his bachelor pad.
Definition 8:
A flat area on the ground where helicopters can take off or land see also launchpad.

The town has no airport but there is a landing pad near the hospital.
Definition 9:
lily pad.

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