Subject For “Dunkirk” Or “Apocalypse Now” Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A state or period of fighting between countries or groups count noncount often used before another noun see also civil war cold war holy war prisoner of war world war.

They fought a war over the disputed territory.
A war broke out when the colonists demanded their independence.
A nuclear war [=a war fought using nuclear weapons]
We need to resolve our conflicts without resorting to war.
People behave differently during a time of war.
War could break out soon. [=a war might start soon]
The two countries were at war (with each other).
The President decided against going to war. [=starting a war with another country]
The taking of American hostages was seen as an act of war by the United States.
war correspondents/reporters
The war years
His war service
Definition 2:
A situation in which people or groups compete with or fight against each other count noncount .

A class war
Countries conducting trade wars
The budget wars in Washington
Local politicians were at war [=fighting] with one another over the vacant seat.
Definition 3:
An organized effort by a government or other large organization to stop or defeat something that is viewed as dangerous or bad .

The war on/against cancer
The war on drugs

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