Successful Song Or Film Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To move your hand, a bat, etc., quickly so that it touches someone or something in a forceful or violent way + obj no obj .

She told her son to stop hitting his sister.
She hit him hard with her purse.
He hit the fence with a stick. = He hit a stick against/on the fence.
The boxers hit each other with their fists.
The boxers were hitting furiously at each other.
Definition 2:
To cause (something, such as a ball) to move by hitting it forcefully with a bat, racket, etc. .

He hit a fastball (over the fence) for a home run.
She hit the ball right to the shortstop.
Definition 3:
To touch (something or someone) in a forceful or violent way after moving at a high speed + obj no obj .

The ball hit the house.
The plate shattered when it hit the floor.
The tank was hit by enemy fire.
He was hit by a car.
The ship hit an iceberg.
The plate shattered when it hit.
Definition 4:
To cause or allow (something, such as part of your body) to touch something in a forceful or violent way .

I accidentally hit my head on/against the side of the door while I was getting into the car.
She hit her elbow on the edge of the table.
Definition 5:
To attack (something or someone) .

Our plan is to hit the enemy before they can hit us.
Definition 6:
To affect (something or someone) in a harmful or damaging way + obj no obj .

The ship was hit by a sudden storm.
A powerful earthquake hit the city.
Many families have been hit hard by the layoffs. = Many families have been hard hit by the layoffs. [=many families have been badly affected/hurt by the layoffs]
If you really want to teach your son a lesson you should hit him where it hurts and take away his cell phone.
Many people were unprepared when the storm hit.
The layoffs have hit hard here.
Definition 7:
To come to (something) by chance or accident while you are moving .

We hit a west wind coming out of port.
I was late because I hit a traffic jam on the way over.
Definition 8:
To begin to have or experience (problems, trouble, etc.) .

The project went smoothly at first, but then we started to hit [=encounter] some problems.
Definition 9:
To become suddenly or completely clear to (someone) :strike .

It suddenly hit [=occurred to] me that I was doing something wrong. [=I suddenly realized that I was doing something wrong]
The importance of the victory hasn’t really hit her yet.
I was just about to give up when the solution hit me.
When you meet him, the first thing that hits you [=the first thing that you notice] is his air of confidence.
The smell hit me [=I noticed the smell] as soon as I opened the door.
Definition 10:
To get or come to (a goal, level, etc.) :reach .

He hit 100 mph on his motorcycle.
They expect the temperature to hit 90 this afternoon.
Sales hit $100 million last year alone.
Gold prices hit an all-time high last week.
A singer who can hit the high notes
He kept digging until he hit [=struck] water.
The stock market hit bottom. [=reached an extremely low point]
(informal) Next year he’ll hit the big four-oh/five-oh. [=turn 40/50 years of age]
Definition 11:
To arrive or appear at, in, or on (a place) .

We hit [=went to] the beach nearly every day this summer.
They got up early and headed out to hit the (ski) slopes. [=to go skiing]
The magazine’s new issue hits newsstands tomorrow. [=the new issue becomes available on newsstands tomorrow]
The new product should hit the shelves/market soon. = The new product should hit stores soon. [=the new product should be available in stores soon]
These new illegal drugs only recently hit the street. [=became available for illegal purchase]
Definition 12:
To turn (something) on or off with a switch .

Could someone please hit the lights?
Definition 13:
To move (a switch) to an on or off position .

The lights came on when she hit the switch.
Definition 14:
To push down on (the brake pedal or accelerator in a vehicle) in a sudden and forceful way .

I had to hit the brakes hard to avoid an accident.
She suddenly hit the accelerator and sped away. = (US) She suddenly hit the gas and sped away.
Definition 15:
To succeed in hitting (something aimed at) with a shot, throw, etc. + obj sometimes used figuratively no obj .

hit the bull’s-eye
hit the target
Her criticism really hit the mark. [=her criticism was very accurate]
The first shot hit but the second shot missed.
Definition 16:
To succeed in making (a shot) .

She hit [=made, sank] 40 percent of her shots last season.
She hit her first basket but then missed the next one.
Definition 17:
To succeed in making a pass to (another player) .

The quarterback hit the wide receiver (with a pass) for a touchdown.
Definition 18:
To try to hit the ball with a bat in baseball, cricket, or a similar game .

It’s your turn to hit. [=bat]
Definition 19:
To produce (a home run, a ground ball, etc.) by batting .

He hit 30 home runs last year.
He hit a ground ball to the shortstop.
She hit a double to left field.
Definition 20:
To have a specified batting average .

This year he’s hitting [=batting] .300. [=his batting average is .300]
Definition 21:
To hit the pitches thrown by (a pitcher) + obj no obj .

He has hit this pitcher well/poorly in the past.
He has hit well/poorly against this pitcher in the past.
Definition 22:
To deal another card to (a player in blackjack) .

Hit me. [=deal another card to me]

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