Talk It Up How? Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
The distance from one end of something to the other end :a measurement of how long something is noncount count see also focal length.

“What is its length?” [=how long is it?] “It measures 10 inches in length.” [=it is 10 inches long]
We walked the entire length of the beach. [=we walked from one end of the beach to the other]
The length of the table is six feet, and its width is three feet.
These pins are available in one- and two-inch lengths.
The adult animals reach a maximum length of two meters.
Definition 2:
The size or extent of a piece of writing .

Your essay should be no more than 250 words in length.
Five pages in length [=five pages long]
A book-length poem [=a very long poem; a poem that has the same number of pages as some books]
Definition 3:
The quality or state of being long .

Don’t be put off by the book’s length. [=(less commonly) lengthiness]
I was amazed by the length of the ape’s arms. [=by how long the ape’s arms were]
Definition 4:
The amount of time something lasts .

They want to extend the length of the school year. [=to make the school year longer; to lengthen the school year]
The length of a movie
If you’re in town for any length of time [=for more than just a short time], be sure to see the museum.
Definition 5:
The length of something used as a unit of measure see also at arm’s length at arm.

Our horse won the race by a length. [=by a distance equal to the length of one horse]
They were two car lengths behind us.
I managed to swim four lengths of the pool. [=to swim from one end of the pool to the other end four times]
Definition 6:
A piece of something that is long and thin or narrow .

A length of pipe/chain/yarn
Definition 7:
A measure of how far down on your body something (such as your hair or a piece of clothing) reaches see also floor-length knee-length shoulder-length.

The length of a skirt
A waist-length jacket [=a jacket that reaches only to your waist]
Chin-length hair

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