The “D” Of “NORAD” Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
The act of defending someone or something from attack noncount count see also self-defense.

Weapons of defense = weapons used for defense
They fought in defense of their country. [=they fought to defend their country]
The body’s first line of defense [=way of defending itself] against illness
They put up a good defense, but the city ultimately fell to the invaders.
They mounted a good defense.
Definition 2:
Something that is used to protect yourself, your country, etc. often + against .

The best defense is a good offense. [=the best way to defend something is to try to beat the opposite side]
The city’s defenses were not strong enough to keep out the invaders.
We need to improve our defenses.
The nation’s air and ground defenses
We have no defense against such powerful weapons. [=we have no way to defend ourselves against such powerful weapons]
The body’s natural defenses against disease and infection
Definition 3:
The act of speaking or writing in support of someone or something that is being attacked or criticized noncount often used in the phrase in defense count usually singular .

His friends quickly came/jumped to his defense. [=his friends began saying that he was right or good]
She spoke out in defense of justice. [=she defended justice]
Let me say, in her defense, that I would have done the same thing that she did.
He spoke up in his own defense. [=he defended himself]
She offered no defense [=justification] for her actions.
We listened to a passionate/spirited defense of the governor’s decision.
Definition 4:
The things that are done by a country to protect itself from enemies often used before another noun .

In my view, the most important issue facing our country today is national defense.
The candidates accused each other of being soft/weak on defense.
The President wants to increase spending on defense.
He was the Secretary of Defense under the last President.
He proposed an increase in defense spending.
The defense secretary/minister/department
They signed a billion-dollar defense contract with the company.
Cuts in the defense budget
Definition 5:
The side of a legal case which argues that a person who is being sued or accused of a crime is innocent :the lawyer or lawyers who represent the defendant in a court case often used before another noun compare prosecution.

His friends are raising money (to pay) for his defense.
The defense rests, Your Honor.
The defense told the jury that the prosecution had not proved its case.
defense attorneys/lawyers
A defense witness [=a person who speaks to support the defense’s case]
He had three lawyers on his defense team.
Definition 6:
The method that is used in a court case to prove that someone is innocent .

Her lawyers plan to use an insanity defense. [=they will say that she was not sane when she committed the crime]
It’s a valid defense, and I think we should be able to win the case.
Definition 7:
The group of players on a team who try to stop an opponent from scoring count noncount .

He ran through the defense and scored a touchdown.
Our team has the best defense in the league.
A talented defense
She began the season on defense [=playing on the part of the team that defends the goal], but her coach later put her on offense.
Definition 8:
The way that players on a team try to stop an opponent from scoring compare offense 4.

The team needs some work on its defense.
These guys play good/strong/tough defense.

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