The Orchestra Was In Turmoil; The Conductor Didn’t ___… Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To have (information of some kind) in your mind + obj often + how, why, where, etc. no obj often + about .

He knows a lot about the history of the town.
Do you know the answer?
I don’t know her name.
Do you know what time it is?
I don’t know the words to that song.
They knew a good deal about the problem.
She knows the rules of the game.
He knows everything about horses. = He knows all/everything there is to know about horses.
Do you know why she left this suitcase here?
Do you know where she went?
No one knows (for sure) how long it will take the fix the problem.
He knows perfectly/full well how to do it.
If you want the answer, ask someone who knows.
“What is she doing?” “Believe me, you don’t want to know.” [=you would be shocked or upset to learn what she is doing]
He knows (all) about horses.
Definition 2:
To understand (something) :to have a clear and complete idea of (something) + obj usually + how, why, where, etc. no obj .

I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like.
Scientists don’t yet know why this happens.
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know what you want me to do.
We had almost no money in those days. I don’t know how we managed.
I don’t know how you could be so careless.
You know perfectly/full well what I am trying to say.
“How could she do that?” “How should/would I know?!” [=I don’t know, and you should not expect me to know]
Definition 3:
To have learned (something, as a skill or a language) often + how .

She knows karate/CPR.
He knows Spanish.
Do you know how to type?
I would go swimming with you, but I don’t know how (to swim). [=I never learned to swim]
Definition 4:
To be aware of (something) :to realize (something) + obj no obj often + about or of .

She knows that many people will not believe her.
I know (that) this isn’t easy for you, but you have to keep trying.
As soon as I turned on the light I knew that something was missing.
There was no way for me to know that he was your brother. = How was I to know that he was your brother?
It’s wrong and you know it! [=you are aware that it is wrong]
“I’m sorry I threw out those bags.” “It’s okay: you couldn’t have known that I needed them.” = “It’s okay: you had no way of knowing that I needed them.” = (Brit) “It’s okay: you weren’t to know that I needed them.”
You ought to know by now that she is always late.
It’s impossible to know what will happen next. = There’s no way of knowing what will happen next. = There’s no knowing what will happen next.
If you’ve never been to Venice, you don’t know what you’re missing. [=you would enjoy going to Venice very much]
You know as well as I do that they expect us at 8:00.
You don’t know how happy I am to see you. [=I am extremely happy to see you]
You’ll never know what this means to me. = You can’t know how much this means to me. [=this means a great deal to me]
As far as I know, they plan to arrive on Monday. [=I believe that they plan to arrive on Monday, but I am not sure]
We’re planning a party for George. As you know, he’ll be leaving the company next month.
I knew about the problem. [=I was aware of the problem]
Does she know about the meeting?
I don’t know of any job openings right now. [=I am not aware of any job openings right now]
I know of her as a poet but not as a novelist. [=I am familiar with her poetry but not with her novels]
Do you know of a good lawyer? [=can you recommend a good lawyer?]
“Does he have relatives nearby?” “Not that I know of.” [=I don’t think he has any relatives nearby]
Definition 5:
To be certain of (something) + obj no obj .

Everyone else believes him, but I just know (that) he’s lying.
I don’t know if I can trust her. [=I am not sure that I can trust her]
It’s hard to know exactly where the candidate stands on this issue.
I knew he’d forget.
I need to know if they are coming.
“She says she’s not coming.” “I knew it!” [=I was sure that she wouldn’t come]
I knew it all along. [=I was always sure of it]
“They’re coming.” “Do you know [=are you certain], or are you just guessing?” = “Do you know for sure/certain, or are you just guessing?”
He thinks he got the job but he doesn’t know for sure.
Definition 6:
To have met and talked to (someone) :to be acquainted or familiar with (a person) .

“Do you know Clara?” “Yes, we’ve met.”
“Do you know Clara?” “We’ve met but I wouldn’t say that I really know her.” [=I am not close to her; I don’t know much about her]
I’ve known him for years. He’s one of my best friends.
Knowing you, you’ll be the first one there. [=because I know you so well, I expect you to be the first one there]
She’s the kindest person I know.
To know him is to love him. [=the people who know him feel great affection for him]
We just bought a house here last month, and we’re still getting to know our neighbors. [=we’re still meeting our neighbors; we’re still becoming acquainted with our neighbors]
Definition 7:
To have experience with (something) :to be acquainted or familiar with (something) .

She knows the city very well.
Do you know her painting/writing/work?
Do you know any good restaurants in this area?
We’re still getting to know the neighborhood.
The building as we know it [=as it exists now] is quite different from how it looked when it was first built.
This is the end of the organization as we know it. [=the organization has changed and will never again be the same as it was]
Definition 8:
To have experienced (something) usually used as known .

Someone who knows grief well [=someone who has experienced a lot of grief]
I’ve known failure and I’ve known success. [=I have failed and I have succeeded]
Definition 9:
To recognize (someone or something) :to identify (someone or something) accurately .

“How will I know her?” “She’ll be wearing a red sweater.”
I would know [=recognize] that voice anywhere.
I know his face [=his face is familiar to me] but I don’t remember his name.
I feel like I know this house, but I’ve never been here before.
I know many of the customers at the café by sight. [=I see them often enough that I recognize them]
Definition 10:
To recognize the difference between two things :to be able to distinguish (one thing) from another .

know right from wrong
Definition 11:
To be sure that (someone or something) has a particular quality, character, etc., because of your experiences with that person or thing usually followed by to + verb .

I’ve worked with him for many years, and I know him to be an honest man.
I know the business to be legitimate.
Definition 12:
To think of (someone or something) as having a particular quality, character, etc. + as often used as (be) known as .

His neighbors knew him as a quiet and friendly person, but the people he worked with saw a different side of him.
She is known as an expert in the field. [=people consider her an expert]
Definition 13:
used to indicate the name that people know or use for someone or something + as often used as (be) known as .

Her neighbors knew her as Jill Brown, but her real name was Amy Smith.
Samuel L. Clemens was better/otherwise known as Mark Twain. [=most people called him Mark Twain]
Beethoven’s Third Symphony is widely known as the “Eroica.”
Definition 14:
used to say that someone or something has a particular quality, feature, ability, etc., that people know about + for usually used as (be) known for .

Fans of the blues know the city for its live blues clubs.
The restaurant is known for its desserts. [=the restaurant’s desserts are popular, well-known, etc.]
She is known for her ability to work quickly. = She is known for working quickly.
He‘s known for being late. [=he is often late]
Definition 15:
Someone who has been known to be or known to do something has been or done that thing in the past. .

We’ve known him to work all night to meet a deadline. = He’s been known to work all night to meet a deadline.
I’ve never known her to be wrong. [=I do not know of any time when she has been wrong]
He’s been known to do this kind of thing before.

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