Tip Of A Comet Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
The part of an animal’s body that extends from the animal’s back end see pictures at bird horse.

A monkey with a long tail
Definition 2:
A long piece that extends from the back end or bottom of something see also pigtails ponytail shirttail.

The tail of a kite
A comet’s tail
Definition 3:
The back end of an airplane, helicopter, etc. see picture at airplane.

Definition 4:
The back side of a coin :the side of a coin that is opposite the side which shows a picture of a person’s head usually used to refer to one of the two choices you can make when a coin is thrown in the air to decide something compare head 5.

I call tails.
Is it heads or tails? [=did the coin land with heads or tails facing up?]
Definition 5:
tailcoat .

He wore a top hat and tails.
Definition 6:
A person (such as a detective) who follows or watches someone .

They put a tail on the suspect. [=they had someone follow the suspect]

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