“Unhand Me, You Cad!” Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To allow or permit (someone or something) to do something .

Let them go.
I’ll be happy to help you if you’ll let me (help you).
A break in the clouds let us see the summit. [=made it possible for us to see the summit]
Don’t let this opportunity slip away!
Let me see the bruise.
I don’t believe in letting children do whatever they want to do. = I don’t believe that people should let children do whatever they want to do.
My philosophy is “Live and let live.” [=live your life as you choose and let other people do the same]
Definition 2:
used in speech when you are making a polite offer to help someone .

Let me help you with those packages. [=I would be happy to help you with those packages]
Let me do that for you.
Definition 3:
used to introduce a polite statement or request .

Let me begin by saying how happy I am to see you here today. [=I want to begin by saying how happy I am to see you]
Please let me know [=tell me] what you decide.
Definition 4:
used to introduce a command sometimes used figuratively in a way that is not formal .

“The ambassadors have arrived, your Majesty.” “Let them not wait a moment longer: let them enter at once.”
Let there be music and laughter!
Let it rain all day—I don’t care.
Definition 5:
used to express a warning .

Just let her try to do it again! [=she will be in trouble if she tries to do it again]
Definition 6:
Let’s and (more formally) let us are used to introduce statements that express a wish, request, suggestion, or command. .

Let’s [=let us] hope for the best. [=we should hope for the best]
Let’s imagine what the world would be like with no war.
Let’s suppose that he’s right. What then?
Let’s get out of here!
Let us all remember [=we should all remember] just how much we have to be thankful for.
I’m not calling her a liar. Let’s just say that she tends to exaggerate the truth a little.
Let’s see what’s on the menu. = Let’s have a look at the menu.
Let’s go, shall we?” [=shall we go?] “Yes, let’s.”
Let’s go.” “No, let’s not.”
Let’s not go. = (Brit) Don’t let’s go. = (US, informal) Let’s don’t go.
Definition 7:
The phrase let’s go is used in speech to tell someone to go or work faster. .

Are you still getting dressed? Let’s go! We need to leave in five minutes!
Definition 8:
The phrase let us pray is used to introduce a prayer. .

Let us pray. Dear God, we thank you for this day…
Definition 9:
The phrases let’s face it and let’s be honest are used to say that something is true and cannot be denied. .

Let’s face it: we need more time.
Let’s be honest, those two were never right for each other.
Definition 10:
To allow someone to use (something) in return for payment :rent .

They have rooms to let. [=rooms that people can rent to live in]
Definition 11:
To be rented or leased for a specified amount of money .

The flat lets [=rents] for 350 pounds a month.
Definition 12:
To allow (someone or something) to go, pass by, etc. .

Let me out!
She locked the door and refused to let him in.
The guard refused to let us through the gate.
Let me through/past! [=let me move through a group of people, past a barrier, etc.]

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