Unwell Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
Affected with a disease or illness :ill sometimes used figuratively see also airsick carsick seasick.

He is at home sick in bed.
She is sick with the flu.
I’m too sick to go to work.
A sick dog
The medicine just made me sicker.
The sickest patients are in intensive care.
My poor rosebush looks sick.
(US) I hardly ever get sick.
(US) She has been out sick all week. = (Brit) She has been off sick all week. [=she has not been at work all week because she is sick]
(formal) Dozens of workers fell sick [=became ill] from exposure to the fumes.
(old-fashioned) He took sick [=became ill] and died.
(informal) He was (as) sick as a dog. [=he was very sick]
A sick economy
Definition 2:
Of or relating to people who are ill .

She has been on the sick list all week.
The hospital’s sick ward
Definition 3:
Very annoyed or bored by something because you have had too much of it + of .

He was sick of her lies.
I’m getting sick of this cold weather.
I’m sick of pizza—I had it three times this week already.
What are you most sick of?
I’m sick and tired of hearing you two argue. = I’m sick to death of hearing you two argue.
Definition 4:
Very disgusted or angry .

The way they treat people makes me sick.
Definition 5:
Not mentally normal or healthy .

I know it sounds sick, but I like reading about murders.
He has a sick [=perverted] mind.
sick [=morbid, disturbing] thoughts
Definition 6:
Relating to very unpleasant or offensive things .

sick jokes/humor
Definition 7:
Very unpleasant .

I had a sick feeling that we were hopelessly lost.
Definition 8:
Powerfully affected by a strong and unpleasant emotion usually + with see also homesick lovesick.

She was sick with shame/fear/longing/guilt.
We have been sick with worry about her. = We’ve been worried sick [=very worried] about her.

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