Use A Broom Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To remove (something, such as dust or dirt) from a surface with a broom or brush or with a quick movement of your hand, fingers, etc. .

He swept the dirt off the driveway.
He swept the crumbs from the table.
Definition 2:
To remove dust, dirt, etc., from (something) with a broom or brush + obj no obj see also sweep out (below) sweep up (below).

She swept the floor.
I need to sweep the kitchen.
Are you finished sweeping the porch?
Have you swept yet?
Definition 3:
To move or pass quickly, forcefully, or smoothly often used figuratively .

A storm swept across the plains.
Fires swept through the forest.
She swept to victory on a wave of popularity.
Definition 4:
To move or walk in a smooth, quick, and impressive way .

She proudly swept into the room.
The limo swept up to the door.
Definition 5:
To push or move (something) quickly or forcefully .

He swept the curtains aside.
She swept the books off the desk.
Definition 6:
To push, carry, or lift (someone or something) with great force often used figuratively .

The debris was swept [=carried] out to sea by the tide.
She was swept toward the door by the crowd.
He swept her into his arms.
We were swept along/away by her enthusiasm.
The party was swept into power in the last election.
Definition 7:
To be felt suddenly .

Fear swept over/through her. [=she suddenly felt afraid]
A feeling of relief swept over him.
Definition 8:
To move (your hand, arm, etc.) in a wide, curving motion .

He swept his arm across the table.
Definition 9:
To pass over (all of an area or place) in a continuous motion .

The teacher’s gaze swept the classroom.
A searchlight swept the area.
Strong winds sweep the mountainside.
Definition 10:
To become very popular or common suddenly in (a particular place) .

It’s the latest craze sweeping the nation.
Definition 11:
To win everything that can be won in (something, such as an election) in an easy or impressive way .

The opposition party swept the election.
Definition 12:
To win all of the games in a series of games against another team .

They swept their rivals in a three-game series.
They swept the series/doubleheader.
They were swept in the play-offs last year.
Definition 13:
To brush or pull (your hair) away from your face .

She swept her hair up/back and clipped it in place.
Definition 14:
To form a long, smooth curve .

The property sweeps down to the water’s edge.

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