Ventilated Crossword Clue Answer

Thank you for using our daily crossword answers website to reveal Star Tribune Crossword Solutions and Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Ventilated” from the Star Tribune Crossword.
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Definition 1:
To place something in an open area where there is a lot of moving air to make it cool, dry, or clean + obj no obj .

air a blanket
air damp clothing
The blankets were left outside to air.
Definition 2:
To allow air from the outside to enter something (such as a room) so that it becomes fresher or cleaner + obj usually + out in U.S. English no obj usually + out in U.S. English .

She opened the windows to air the room.
She opened the windows to air out the room.
air out a closet
She opened the windows to let the room air out.
Definition 3:
To make (something) known in public :to state (something) publicly .

The company had a meeting so that employees could air their complaints/grievances.
Publicly airing their differences
Let’s not air our dirty laundry [=discuss our problems, make our problems known] in public.
Definition 4:
To broadcast something on radio or television + obj no obj .

air a program
The interview will be aired tomorrow.
The program airs daily.
The interview will air tomorrow.

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