Vocal Pitch Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
The quality of a person’s voice .

She spoke in a sharp tone. [=he spoke sharply]
He replied in a friendly tone.
They spoke in hushed/conspiratorial tones.
Don’t use that rude tone of voice with me.
Definition 2:
The quality of a sound produced by a musical instrument or singing voice .

The low tones of an organ
Definition 3:
A quality, feeling, or attitude expressed by the words that someone uses in speaking or writing .

The speech had religious tones to it.
The author’s tone shows her attitude toward the subject.
The professor’s condescending tone irritated some students.
Definition 4:
The general quality of a place, situation, etc. .

The city’s upbeat tone
The seriousness of his opening statement set the tone for/of the meeting. [=his opening statement established that the meeting would be serious]
Definition 5:
A shade of color see also earth tone.

A bright, dark, or light tone of blue
The soft tones of the painting
Definition 6:
A small amount of a color .

Gray with a slightly bluish tone [=tint]
Definition 7:
Strength and firmness of the muscles or skin .

These exercises help build muscle tone.
Definition 8:
The highness or lowness of a spoken syllable see also tone language.

A rising/falling tone
Definition 9:
A sound made as a signal by a machine (such as a telephone or answering machine) see also dial tone ringtone.

Please leave a message after the tone.
(Brit) I keep getting the engaged tone. [=(US) busy signal; the sound which indicates that the telephone line is already being used]
Definition 10:
A sound of a particular pitch and vibration .

The different tones [=notes] of a musical scale
Definition 11:
whole step.

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