“Where are you ___?” Crossword Clue Answer

Below is the solution for the question: “Where are you ___?” from the The Puzzle Society Crossword. Bookmark this website for The Puzzle Society Crossword Answers.

Question: “Where are you ___?”

Solution: FROM

FROM Definition 1:
used to indicate the starting point of a physical movement or action .
He drove here from the city.
He set out from town this morning.
She took a fall from a horse.
The cat came out from under the table.
FROM Definition 2:
used to indicate the place that something comes out of .
He took a dime from [=out of] his pocket.
FROM Definition 3:
used to indicate the place where someone lives or was born .
My family is/comes originally from Italy.
Where are you from? = Where do you come from?
FROM Definition 4:
used to indicate the starting or central point of any activity .
She looked at me from under her glasses.
He spoke from the heart.
She watched us from across the street.
FROM Definition 5:
used to indicate the starting point in measuring something .
The meeting is scheduled for a week from today.
It’s 20 miles from here to the nearest town.
They were married three years from that day.
From childhood (onward) he displayed unusual musical talent.
FROM Definition 6:
used to indicate a physical separation between two things .
An ocean separates America from Europe.
FROM Definition 7:
used to indicate something that is removed, released, blocked, or prevented .
This lotion provides protection from the sun.
Relief from anxiety
They asked him to refrain from interrupting.
They have no right to exclude her from membership.
The dictator fell from power.
Subtract 3 from 9
FROM Definition 8:
used to indicate change to a different state or condition .
Things have gone from bad to worse.
They were transformed from raw recruits into trained soldiers.
FROM Definition 9:
used to indicate the material that is used to make something .
Wine is made from grapes.
A doll made from cloth
FROM Definition 10:
used to indicate the source of something .
I’m expecting a call from my lawyer.
All his problems have come from that one bad decision.
She received a letter from home.
Reading aloud from a book
He inherited a love of music from his father.
I bought a book from him. [=he sold a book to me]
The painting was done directly from nature.
She drew it from memory.
FROM Definition 11:
used to indicate the basis or cause of something .
We conclude from this that no changes are necessary.
He’s suffering from a bad cold.
They were weak from hunger.
I could tell she was angry from [=by] the look on her face.
FROM Definition 12:
used to indicate the lowest point, amount, etc., in a range .
These parts cost (anywhere/anything) from $5 to $10.
It’s anywhere from $50,000 on up. [=it is at least $50,000 and could be more]
FROM Definition 13:
used to indicate the group or number of people or things out of which someone or something is chosen or selected .
She was chosen from a large number of competitors.

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