Withdraw Extremely Remote Flag Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To stop a job or career because you have reached the age when you are not allowed to work anymore or do not need or want to work anymore .

I want to be healthy when I retire.
She plans to retire (from her job) in two years.
We plan to retire in/to Florida. = We plan to retire and move to Florida.
The boxer retired undefeated.
Definition 2:
To cause (someone, such as a military officer) to end a job or career usually used as (be) retired .

The general was retired with honors.
Definition 3:
To stop playing in a game, competition, etc., especially because of injury .

She had to retire during the first set because of a muscle strain.
Definition 4:
To take (something) out of use, service, or production .

The Navy is retiring the old battleship.
The manufacturer plans to retire that car model in a few years.
The team is retiring his jersey number in honor of his great career.
Definition 5:
To move to a different place .

He retired to the library to study.
Shall we retire to the parlor?
Definition 6:
To go to bed .

She retired for the night.
Definition 7:
To move away from action or danger :retreat .

The army was forced to retire from the battlefield.
Definition 8:
To cause (a batter) to be out .

The pitcher retired seven batters in a row.
She was retired on a fly ball to center field.
He struck out Jones to retire the side. [=to end the inning by getting the final out]

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