Zombie Sound Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To make a long, low sound because of pain, unhappiness, or physical pleasure .

The wounded soldier moaned in/with pain.
The crowd moaned [=groaned] as the other team scored another goal.
He moaned with pleasure as she rubbed his back.
Definition 2:
To express unhappiness about something :complain .

We were all moaning about the cold, rainy weather.
He’s always moaning about his salary.
The children were moaning and groaning all morning, but their mother would not let them go outside.
I’m tired of all his moaning and groaning about his salary.
Definition 3:
To say (something) in a way that shows pain or unhappiness .

“But I don’t want to go,” moaned the boy.
“Oh, my stomach hurts,” she moaned. = She moaned that her stomach hurt.
Definition 4:
To make a long, low sound .

The wind moaned in the trees.

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