Code Letter Crossword Answers April 01, 2022

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Code Letter by Pat Sajak Crossword.

Below are Code Letter April 01, 2022 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Crossword: by S.N.


No good EVIL
Cruise around Hollywood TOM
41 Down hardware KEGS
Hired hand AIDE
TV toon shopkeeper APU
Not more than ONLY
“SNL” employee’s creation SALARIEDSPOOF
Since, on some signs EST
NASA excursion EVA
Pays a call DROPSBY
Spotted SEEN
What a coup might end ERA
Lyrical tribute ODE
Takes off on colts PARODIESFOALS
Small dog, for short POM
Minor worker COG
Darkest hours NIGHT
Everyday article THE
Hayek’s artist role KAHLO
Taiwanese director’s first name ANG
“__ sport!” BEA
Late night TV host KIMMEL
Shrimp platter display SPIRALSEAFOOD
Graceless guy APE
Lord’s Prayer repeated word THY
Certain undercover agent MOLE
Money moving INFLOWS
MD’s reading EEG
Introspective sect ZEN
Mix-up of the three other long answers, utopia for today’s victim FOOLSPARADISE
Disgruntled SORE
Anomalous radar reading UFO
“Super,” slangily UBER
Greenlit OKED
Stream bottom BED
Seats at a service PEWS


Software’s hidden surprises EASTEREGGS
Passing through VIA
Just chillin’ IDLE
Command to a canine LEAVEIT
Chi preceder TAI
Type of column OPED
Where to come in out of the rain MUDROOM
“Sunday Morning” reporter KOPPEL
Biblical grandson ENOS
Caviar portion GLOB
“Ghost Hunters” airer SYFY
Hardly 22 Across at all RARE
Drive-thru menu item SODA
Miembro de la Unión Europea ESPANA
Keep from escaping SEALIN
Notable descendant of 9 Down NOAH
Turnpike topper ASPHALT
Hrs. in August DST
Hostile force FOE
Gossipy group SCHMOOZERS
Soccer chant OLEOLE
Especially advantageous GOLDEN
What some caddies hold TEA
Asian auto KIA
Two-band AMFM
Crafter’s establishment BREWPUB
Became wearisome PALLED
__ butter SHEA
In that event IFSO
Secluded corner NOOK
Cry that sounds like a quartet FORE
No longer endangered SAFE
Wisecrack GIBE
Window treatment support ROD
Make a mend SEW