Fall Flat Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A device that is designed to explode in order to injure or kill people or to damage or destroy property often used before another noun .

A bomb went off downtown.
The bomb is set to detonate at 3:00. = The bomb will blow up at 3:00.
Many bombs were dropped on the city during the war.
They hid/planted a bomb in the building.
A pipe bomb [=a bomb made from a piece of pipe]
A suicide bomb [=a bomb carried by someone who plans to be killed by it when it explodes]
A bomb explosion/blast
A bomb site [=a place where a bomb has exploded]
Someone called in a bomb threat [=a message saying that a bomb is located in a particular place], so the building was evacuated.
A bomb squad [=a group of people who have the job of preventing bombs from causing damage or injury]
Definition 2:
Nuclear weapons .

Countries that have the bomb
Definition 3:
Something that is a complete failure usually singular .

The movie was a bomb. [=flop]
Definition 4:
Something or someone that is very good .

Their new album is the bomb. [=their new album is great]
Definition 5:
Something that is very successful .

The party went down/like a bomb [=the party was a success], and everybody enjoyed themselves.
Definition 6:
A long pass .

The quarterback threw a bomb to the wide receiver.
Definition 7:
A long shot .

She’s good at shooting three-point bombs.
Definition 8:
A long home run .

He hit a three-run bomb over the left field wall.
Definition 9:
A large amount of money .

She paid a bomb for the car.
I’m looking for a new computer that doesn’t cost a bomb.

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