Future Toddler Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
A very young child often used before another noun .

She had the baby yesterday. = She gave birth to the baby yesterday.
Are you expecting a baby? [=are you pregnant?]
I hear the baby crying.
The baby is just learning to crawl.
A baby girl/boy
baby clothes
baby pictures
A baby monitor
(US) I gave my sister a baby shower. [=a party at which gifts are given to a woman who is pregnant]
She has a real baby face. [=a face that resembles the face of a baby; a face that looks young and innocent]
Definition 2:
A very young animal often used before another noun .

A bird and its babies
A baby bird
A baby deer
Definition 3:
The youngest member of a group often used before another noun .

My sister is the baby of the family.
My baby sister
Definition 4:
Someone who is young in comparison with others .

“Only 32? Oh, you’re just a baby!”
Definition 5:
Someone who behaves like a child.

Definition 6:
Someone who is afraid or who complains a lot .

When it comes to getting shots, I’m a real baby.
Don’t be such a baby—you’ll get your turn.
Definition 7:
A lover or sweetheart This sense of baby is common in song lyrics..

Nothing’s gone right since my baby went away.
Definition 8:
used as an informal way of addressing a lover, friend, etc. used especially by men to address women and by women to address men This sense of baby is sometimes used in a very informal way by men to address an attractive woman. Using baby to address someone you do not know well may cause offense..

I missed you, baby.
Hey baby, nice car!
Definition 9:
Something that someone has created and developed with special personal attention or interest .

This project is my baby.

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