Intuit Crossword Clue Answer

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Question: Intuit

Solution: GET

GET Definition 1:
To obtain (something): such as.GET Definition 2:
To receive or be given (something) .
He got a new bicycle for his birthday.
I never did get an answer to my question.
I got a letter from my lawyer.
She got a phone call from her sister.
Did you get my message?
Can I get [=catch] a ride to town with you? [=will you give me a ride to town?]
You need to get your mother’s permission to go.
GET Definition 3:
To obtain (something) through effort, chance, etc. .
She hasn’t been able to get a job.
It’s nearly impossible to get [=make] a reservation at that restaurant.
If you want to be successful you need to get a good education.
It took us a while to get the waiter’s attention.
She got a look at the thief. [=she managed to look at the thief]
GET Definition 4:
To obtain the use or services of (something) .
It took us a while to get a taxi.
It’s hard to get good help these days.
GET Definition 5:
To earn or gain (something) .
How much does he get [=make] a week?
I got $50 when I sold my old bicycle. = I got $50 for my old bicycle.
He’s gotten a bad reputation (for himself). = He’s gotten himself a bad reputation.
I got an “A” on my history exam!
GET Definition 6:
To win (something) .
She got first prize in the essay contest.
GET Definition 7:
To buy or pay for (something) .
He got (himself) a new car at a great price.
“Did you get that dress at the mall?” “Yes, and I got it for only $20.”
Do you get [=subscribe to] the local newspaper?
I’ll get the next round of drinks.
He offered to get the check, but I insisted on getting it myself.
He got a beautiful necklace for his wife. = He got his wife a beautiful necklace.
GET Definition 8:
To go somewhere and come back with (something or someone) .
I’ll get a pencil from the desk.
Can I get anything for you? = Can I get you anything?
Someone has to (go) get the boss from the airport and bring her back here.
GET Definition 9:
To send or take (something or someone) to a person or place .
I have to get an important message to her at once!
We have to get him to the hospital immediately.
GET Definition 10:
To cause (someone or something) to move or go .
He quickly got himself and his luggage through customs.
She got the car out of the garage.
I could barely get [=fit] the luggage into the car’s trunk.
I can’t get this ring on/off my finger.
GET Definition 11:
To move or go .
He got on the horse and rode away.
We got on/off the bus.
They quickly got [=passed] through customs.
She never got out of the house last weekend.
He lost weight to be able to get [=fit] into his jeans again.
He got between them to keep them from fighting.
Ouch! Get off my foot!
GET Definition 12:
To arrive at a place .
When did you get here/there?
He got home last night.
GET Definition 13:
To begin to have (a feeling, an idea, etc.) .
I got a funny feeling when I saw her again.
He somehow got the idea that I was lying to him.
I got the impression that he wasn’t interested.
One thing led to another, and—well, you get the picture/idea. [=you can easily guess the rest]
GET Definition 14:
To become affected by (a disease) .
I got a bad cold when I was on vacation.
Clean the wound carefully so you don’t get an infection.
GET Definition 15:
To suffer (an injury) .
He got a broken nose in a fight.
Where/how did you get that bruise on your leg?
GET Definition 16:
To have or experience (something) .
We’ve been getting a lot of rain recently.
I finally got a good night’s sleep last night. [=I finally slept well last night]
The inn doesn’t get many visitors these days.
“Do people often ask if you’re Irish?” “Yes, I get that a lot.” [=people ask me that often]You get [=there are] so many crazy drivers these days.
GET Definition 17:
To cause (a particular reaction) .
That joke always gets a laugh.
Her comments got an angry reaction.
GET Definition 18:
To make progress in some activity see also get ahead (below).
He hasn’t gotten far with the essay. [=he hasn’t made much progress with the essay]
You won’t get anywhere with flattery. [=you won’t succeed by using flattery]
At last we’re getting somewhere (with our work)!
GET Definition 19:
To cause or help (someone) to make progress .
All that effort didn’t really get us very far.
Flattery will get you nowhere. = Flattery won’t get you anywhere.
GET Definition 20:
To cause (someone or something) to be in a specified position or condition .
He got his feet wet when he stepped in a puddle.
He got his nose broken in a fight. [=his nose was broken in a fight]
I told you not to get yourself dirty.
You nearly got us both killed!
I need to get [=have] my hair cut.
She finally got her office organized.
He promised to get the work done quickly. [=to do the work quickly]
When you’re making a measurement be careful to get it right. [=to do it correctly]
Let me get this straight [=let me be sure that I understand this correctly]: are you saying that you won’t help us?
GET Definition 21:
To cause (someone or something) to do something usually followed by to + verb sometimes + -ing verb .
I can’t get the children to behave.
How can I get you to understand that this isn’t a good idea?
He got the computer to work again.
He got the computer working again.
GET Definition 22:
To start doing something see also get to 1a (below).
We got talking about old times.
GET Definition 23:
To have or be given the chance to do something :to be able to do something .
She never got to go to college.
Why do I never get to drive the car?
She hopes she’ll finally get to spend more time working on her garden this year.
GET Definition 24:
To deal with (something that needs attention): such as.GET Definition 25:
To answer (a telephone) .
Would somebody please get the phone?
GET Definition 26:
To open (a door) .
If you’ll get the door for me, I’ll carry that box inside.
There’s someone at the door. Would you please get it? [=open the door and deal with the person who knocked]
GET Definition 27:
To understand (something or someone) .
I just don’t get the point of what you’re saying.
He didn’t get the joke.
I don’t get what you mean.
Oh, now I get it. [=understand]
He’s a strange guy. I just don’t get him.
Don’t get me wrong. [=don’t misunderstand what I am saying]
I get your drift. [=I understand what you are saying]
GET Definition 28:
To hear and understand (something) .
I didn’t quite get [=catch] his name.
GET Definition 29:
become 1 People say how stupid/lucky (etc.) can you get to mean that someone or something is unusually stupid, lucky, etc. .
My hands got dirty when I was working in the garden.
I get very nervous when I have to speak in public.
I got sick last week but I’m feeling better now.
I just can’t get used to this cold weather.
She sent her sick friend a “Get Well Soon” card.
I should go; it’s getting late.
(Brit, informal) Your daughter’s getting quite a big girl now!
We need to finish by 5 o’clock, so we’d better get busy. [=begin to work]
You’ve never heard of the Internet? Come on, now. Get with it. [=become up-to-date in your knowledge]
He tried to rob a policeman. How stupid can you get? [=he was very stupid to try to rob a policeman]
Just look at that dress! How tacky can you get? [=that dress is very tacky]
GET Definition 30:
To change in a specified way as time passes followed by to + verb .
Your daughter is getting to be [=is becoming] quite a big girl now!
GET Definition 31:
To do something specified followed by to + verb .
Once you get to know him, you will like him.
GET Definition 32:
used like be with the past participle of some verbs to form passive constructions .
They got [=were] married last month.
He got [=was] paid for his work.
She got arrested for fraud.
I nearly got killed.
GET Definition 33:
To have (a meal) .
We got dinner at an Italian restaurant last night.
GET Definition 34:
To prepare (a meal) .
On weekends, my wife sleeps late while I get breakfast.
GET Definition 35:
To receive (punishment) .
He got five years in prison for his crime.
(informal) If you don’t stop misbehaving you’re going to get it when your father gets home! [=your father is going to punish you]
GET Definition 36:
To grip and hold (something or someone) .
The dog got the thief by the leg.
He got [=grabbed] me around/by the neck and wouldn’t let go.
GET Definition 37:
To find and catch (someone) .
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police always get their man! [=they always capture the man they are trying to capture]
GET Definition 38:
To hit (someone) .
The bullet got him in the leg.
GET Definition 39:
To hurt or cause trouble for (someone) .
He’s convinced that his ex-wife is out to get him.
I’ll get you if it’s the last thing I do!
GET Definition 40:
To cause the death of (someone) .
He had heart problems for many years, but it was pneumonia that got him in the end.
GET Definition 41:
To bother or annoy (someone) see also get to 2a (below).
It really gets me that such a foolish man has so much influence.
What gets me is all these delays!
GET Definition 42:
To make (someone) sad see also get to 2b (below).
The end of that movie always gets me.
GET Definition 43:
To cause (someone) to be fooled or unable to think of an answer .
Well, you got [=fooled, tricked] me that time. That was very clever.
That’s a good question. You’ve got me (there). [=I don’t know the answer]
GET Definition 44:
To make a phone call and hear or speak to (a person or answering machine) .
Where were you? I’ve been trying to get [=reach] you (on the phone) all day!
When I tried to call him I got his answering machine. [=the phone was answered by his answering machine]
GET Definition 45:
To receive (a radio or TV station or channel) .
We don’t get this channel at home.
GET Definition 46:
To produce or provide (a level of performance) .
Our new car gets [=delivers] excellent gas mileage.
GET Definition 47:
To notice (someone or something) often used to direct someone’s attention to a person or thing that is seen as foolish, surprising, etc. .
Did you get the way he looked at you?
Just get him in his new pants!
She showed up at the party in—get this—a $3,000 designer dress!

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