Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the crosswords of Los Angeles Times. LA Time Crossword is one of most popular crosswords in USA.
Below are LA Times July 14, 2019 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.
Author: Mark MacLachlan / Ed. Rich Norris
College loan co-signer, maybe | DAD |
Establish as law | ENACT |
Long-legged birds | WADERS |
Five-O nickname | DANO |
Before, poetically | ERE |
Prepare to surf | LOGON |
Reunion attendee | ALUMNA |
King Harald’s father | OLAV |
One way to enter a pool | FEETFIRST |
__ media | SOCIAL |
Film scene shot without interruption | TAKE |
Kenya’s first prime minister __ Kenyatta | JOMO |
Hydroelectric project | DAM |
One end of a church key | BOTTLEOPENER |
Amazon assistant | ALEXA |
Abundant element in Earth’s core | IRON |
Thingamajigs | DOODADS |
Physical location? | MEDICALCENTER |
Humor | INDULGE |
Winans of gospel | CECE |
Most hip | COOLEST |
Supposed to arrive | DUE |
Spa sounds | AHS |
Plotting chuckle | HEH |
Delta rival renamed in 1997 | USAIR |
Moving aids | VANS |
“Mobile” communications device used in law enforcement | DATATERMINAL |
Jack in a suit | KNAVE |
Initial Hebrew letter | ALEPH |
Mountain melody | YODEL |
Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture” has one that includes cannon fire | BIGFINISH |
Lose it | GOAPE |
Matching game | LOTTO |
Total, as a bill | RUNTO |
2012 Beyoncé hit with the repeated line “Say you’ll never let me go” | ENDOFTIME |
Slips through the cracks | OOZES |
Domingo, for one | TENOR |
One of Australia’s six | STATE |
Summing-up words | INCONCLUSION |
Thin coin | DIME |
Digitally approve | ESIGN |
Game-winning line | OOO |
Hallelujah trio? | ELS |
Spanish article | UNA |
Sharp tingle, as of fear | PRICKLE |
Ford contemporary | OLDS |
Discount | CUTRATE |
Guru whose opinions are trusted | THOUGHTLEADER |
Surname on Elm Street | KRUEGER |
Chiwere-speaking native | OTOE |
Trial subject | CRIME |
2019 “Game of Thrones” event | SERIESFINALE |
45, in classic pop | RPM |
Well-behaved | GOOD |
Like many Horace works | ODIC |
Mexican madam | SENORA |
Govt. employees encoded by the nine other longest across entries in this puzzle … and who might be called in to decode them | FBIAGENTS |
__ Reader | UTNE |
When Hamlet kills Polonius | ACTIII |
Divider of pews | AISLE |
Word in many obituaries | NEE |
Collectible ’90s caps | POGS |
Put away for later | STORED |
Kingdom | REALM |
Important stretch | ERA |
Kanye West label | DEFJAM |
Ring of color | AREOLE |
Regarded | DEEMED |
2003 holiday comedy | ELF |
Reason for being barred at a bar | NOID |
Taj Mahal city | AGRA |
Immense | COSMIC |
Blast cause | TNT |
Suspected | WASONTO |
Heaps | ALOT |
Tear channel | DUCT |
Czech track legend Zátopek | EMIL |
Cellular process affecting nucleotide sequences | RNAEDITING |
Scene of some “Gunsmoke” action | SALOON |
College address ending | DOTEDU |
Actor born Alphonso D’Abruzzo | ALANALDA |
First of three Leslie Nielsen comedies, with “The” | NAKEDGUN |
Supervises | OVERSEES |
Venomous | TOXIC |
U2 frontman | BONO |
Whale group | POD |
Pitching staff star | ACE |
VCR button | REC |
Masseuse’s target | ACHE |
Not sure (of) | LEERY |
12th Jewish month | ELUL |
Hi-__ graphics | RES |
Munro pen name | SAKI |
“Great minds think alike,” e.g. | ADAGE |
Fire-suppressing gas | HALON |
Position | STEAD |
Med. care provider | HMO |
U.K. fliers | RAF |
They may be changed by judges | VENUES |
Place side by side | APPOSE |
Taking it badly? | THEFT |
Run in place | IDLE |
Modernist’s prefix | NEO |
TV chef Brown | ALTON |
Love of antiques | VIRTU |
Renowned clown | BOZO |
Navel formation | INNIE |
Stand-up comic’s seat | STOOL |
Lock __: come into conflict | HORNS |
Front-of-bk. list | TOC |
__ Bo | TAE |
“Just what I wanted!” | ITSPERFECT |
’70s Israeli prime minister | MEIR |
“Music for Airports” producer | ENO |
Move quickly | SCOOT |
Ruler unit | INCH |
Veg out | LOLL |
A piece of cake | DUCKSOUP |
More than familiar with | INUREDTO |
Growing up | MATURING |
“Shoo!” | GIT |
Brand with a pitcher-shaped mascot | KOOLAID |
Bard’s instrument | LUTE |
Freudian focus | EGO |
Mo. when Festivus is celebrated | DEC |
Beetle Bailey nemesis | SARGE |
Treats again, as a sprain | REICES |
Grow older | AGE |
Actress Thompson and ice dancer Virtue | TESSAS |
Disney Beetle | HERBIE |
“I’ll Never Fall in Love Again” singer Warwick | DIONNE |
Drama queen, e.g. | EMOTER |
View from Jidda | REDSEA |
Really digging | INTO |
Pinot __ | NOIR |
Grammy winner India.__ | ARIE |
Galileo’s birthplace | PISA |
Strip __ | MALL |
Away companion | FAR |
Rock in a setting | GEM |