Light A Fire Under Crossword Clue Answer

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Definition 1:
To cause (an emotional or mental state) .

He tried to sneak past without arousing suspicion. [=without causing people to become suspicious]
Their comments aroused our anger/curiosity. [=their comments made us angry/curious]
The report aroused a great deal of public interest/debate.
She aroused [=inspired] great loyalty in her friends and extreme hatred in her enemies.
Definition 2:
To excite (someone) sexually .

The husky sound of her voice could always arouse him.
Definition 3:
To wake (someone) from sleep .

She was sleeping so soundly that we had difficulty arousing her. [=(more commonly) waking her up]
I was aroused [=roused, awakened] from a deep sleep by a loud noise outside my window.
Definition 4:
To cause (someone) to become active, ready, or upset .

Their proposal is certain to arouse the opposition.
They get aroused [=(more commonly) worked up] over the slightest offense.

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