Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Netword Crossword.
Below are Netword December 25, 2024 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.
Author: by Jerry Clarkson
Graduate deg. in finance | MBA |
Falcon cousin | HAWK |
Causes awe in | WOWS |
Physically delicate | FRAIL |
Jai __ | ALAI |
Laundry appliance | IRON |
Get serious about your work | BUCKLEDOWN |
Poet Pound | EZRA |
Ant or beetle | INSECT |
Accompany someone | TAGALONG |
Nightclub performance | ACT |
Participate in an auction | BID |
Subway standee | STRAPHANGER |
Work as a tailor | SEW |
Piers | QUAYS |
Frames of mind | MOODS |
Any Yale student | ELI |
Strong craving | URGE |
Small flutes | FIFES |
Refrigerate | COOL |
Lincoln nickname | ABE |
Striped Christmas candies | CANES |
Two-door car | COUPE |
Two, in Spain | DOS |
Puts in a particular category | PIGEONHOLES |
Yoga pad | MAT |
Word before maiden names | NEE |
Flattened by pressing | SQUASHED |
Teeny bit | SMIDGE |
“I hate this!” | YUCK |
Kellogg’s ring-shaped cereal | FROOTLOOPS |
Egypt’s major river | NILE |
Hybrid citrus | UGLI |
Large library reference book | ATLAS |
Business titan | CZAR |
Loaf around | LOLL |
Mammal with wings | BAT |
Apple computers | MACS |
Foot-powered transportation | BIKE |
Possessed | HAD |
Very much | ALOT |
Thirsty tot’s request | WAWA |
Extra-wide sleeping spots | KINGBEDS |
Utilize, as authority | WIELD |
Ricelike pasta | ORZO |
Frayed | WORN |
Sudden obstacle | SNAG |
“Most Wanted” list agcy. | FBI |
Preside over | RUN |
Engrave deeply | ETCH |
Ventilates | AIRS |
Bringing under control | TAMING |
Military group | SQUAD |
Sports car engine | TURBO |
Shows anger | RAGES |
Nautical assent | AYE |
Without a service charge | NOFEE |
Keeps at it | GOESON |
South Korea’s largest city | SEOUL |
Wed in secret | ELOPE |
Trickery | WILES |
True-blue | FAITHFUL |
Dove sound | COO |
IRS experts | CPAS |
Class with beakers and flasks | CHEMLAB |
Home for hatchlings | NEST |
Creator | MAKER |
In __ (harmonious) | SYNC |
Surprise test | QUIZ |
Sch. near Hollywood | UCLA |
Therefore | ERGO |
Ken or Barbie | DOLL |
Slightest trace | IOTA |
Foolish person | DOLT |
50-Down student stat | GPA |
Double-curve letter | ESS |
Salad dressing ingredient | OIL |