NetWord Crossword Answers March 18, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Netword Crossword.

Below are Netword March 18, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Billie Truitt


Physicians, for short DOCS
San Antonio landmark ALAMO
Frog’s cousin TOAD
Flapjack restaurant chain IHOP
Assemble haphazardly RIGUP
Remove, as a necktie UNDO
__ butter (cosmetics ingredient) SHEA
Overact on a stage EMOTE
Baby bird’s home NEST
Ulterior motive HIDDENAGENDA
Historical period ERA
African wildlife tour SAFARI
Lightweight wood for model planes BALSA
Fireplace residue ASH
Use, as a chair SITON
Physicians’ org. AMA
Military zone SECTOR
Hole in a piggy bank SLOT
Arm-out greeting that only club members know SECRETHANDSHAKE
“Would __to you?” ILIE
Corn flakes, for instance CEREAL
“Dear __ or Madam…” SIR
Brother’s daughter NIECE
__ Moines, IA DES
Frequently OFTEN
South Pacific dress SARONG
Nation n. of Mexico USA
Subtly spoken ultimatum VEILEDTHREAT
Allow access to LETAT
Rooster or ram MALE
Fly high SOAR
Foamy coffee with milk LATTE
Channel for NBA and NFL games ESPN
Small horse PONY
Scornful smile SNEER
Take a break REST


Dinner plate DISH
Casual greeting OHHI
For men and women, as college sports COED
Black card suit SPADES
Venue for boxing ARENA
Capital of Peru LIMA
Eagerly excited AGOG
“Sound off” remote button MUTE
Unlocks OPENS
“Chunk light” seafood sandwich TUNAFISH
Dollar bill ONE
TV commercials ADS
Mark that tops an “i” DOT
Wipe from a blackboard ERASE
Courtroom prosecutors: Abbr. DAS
“Finally!” ATLAST
First-year athlete ROOKIE
Office apprentice INTERN
Washbowls BASINS
Aviator Earhart AMELIA
More frilly, as a tablecloth LACIER
Had sore muscles ACHED
Unblinking look STARE
Sharpens, as a razor HONES
List ending abbr. ETC
Vitamin dose std. RDA
Healing period RECOVERY
Splash noisily SLOSH
Point opposite WSW ENE
Crop grower FARMER
Shark’s breathing organs GILLS
Say out loud UTTER
Tilt a little LEAN
Suffix for luncheon or kitchen ETTE
Palm tree fruit DATE
Make less difficult EASE
Swiss mountains ALPS
Shelter for campers TENT
Egyptian snake ASP
Dove’s sound COO
Grown-up boy MAN