NetWord Crossword Answers March 22, 2025

Welcome to Daily Crossword Answers Website! In this section of website we post daily answers and solutions for the Netword Crossword.

Below are Netword March 22, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find the answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: by Matthew Sewell


GPS calculations require it TRIG
Passionfruit product CURDS
Raiders run for it AFC
Tangle or disentangle RAVEL
MIT built a machine to twist them (2022) OREOS
Compunction RUE
“Seems believable” ICANIMAGINE
Lay off END
Despotic descriptor BENEVOLENT
Heavy going around Victorian England HYDE
Go-__ (motor scooter make) PED
Delivery people? SAVIORS
Where to swim in the sea LIDODECK
Province bordering Verona PADUA
Buck back AROO
Pleasing to pollsters RANDOM
Relative term SIB
Generation gap in Taylor Swift videos MILLENNIALPAUSE
3D communication ASL
Poses for LIESTO
One may be ultimately stumped TREE
What schools often monitor HALLS
Advocates for different values HAGGLERS
Marked by glaciation STRIATE
Reserve for future use IRA
Faint hint WISP
Gripped by fear, maybe FREEZINGUP
Chambre d’__ (spare bedroom) AMI
Medieval clergymen FIRSTESTATE
Suit spec REG
Be a babbler BLEAT
Illustration on Jungle Book covers TIGER
“It’s Better with the Butterfly” sloganeer (2002) MSN
“It’s my time” IMDUE
Cellar dweller CASK


Certain stream, for short TRIB
Boat __ RACE
St. Basil’s commissioner IVAN
Biodiversity concern GENEPOOL
What much ancient vegetation became COAL
Hound URGE
Metaphorical control REINS
“No offense” phrase DONTAPOLOGIZE
Course with dessert SSE
Confirmation solicitation AREYOUSURE
What a ball may be FUNDRAISER
Conveys ceremonially CEDES
Last verb in “Little Red Riding Hood” LIVED
Went underground HID
Simple chords in succession VAMP
Tibetan for “superior one” LAMA
Cosponsor of a former Fiction Prize with Aer Lingus IRISHTIMES
Derisive symbol substitution for S DOLLARSIGN
What DiCaprio carries in The Great Gatsby CANE
Potato product from Poland KNISH
A use for intelligence DATA
Big business leaders BEES
Prename that’s a particular pronoun ELLA
Continental divide ATLANTIC
Cheek or mouth LIP
Miller’s creation GRIST
Mass in motion SWARM
Wasn’t true ERRED
Rival of the Bible ESAU
Towel tip ETTE
Latest “Queen of Pop” GAGA
Navajos’ foes UTES
Shortened fringe PERK
Its Academy is in VA FBI