New York Times Crossword Answers February 16, 2025

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Below are New York Times February 16, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find faster answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: John Kugelman
Editor: Will Shortz


Shopper's thrill SPREE
Clock part COG
___ Lakshmi, host of TV's "Taste the Nation" PADMA
Some computer-generated images nowadays AIART
The masses HOIPOLLOI
"Full steam ___!" AHEAD
"Omigod, omigod, jackpot!"? SQUEALOFFORTUNE
Some college students, quaintly COEDS
Space heater? SUN
___ fly SAC
Smart-alecky WISE
FaceTime alternative SKYPE
"Eww!" YECH
Instruments with large bells TUBAS
Great Lakes mnemonic HOMES
Org. whose employees wear badges FBI
Atlantis and others SHUTTLES
Hawkish PROWAR
Bad thing to be caught in TRAP
Tempest in a teapot? GREATSQUALLOFCHINA
Oh-so-precious TWEE
Journalists quote them SOURCES
Oniony vegetables LEEKS
Body of water that was once the world's fourth-largest lake ARALSEA
Good signs in stock reports RISES
Challah bread feature BRAID
Religious gymgoer on leg day? HOLYSQUATTER
Souvenir from the Sea of Tranquillity, say MOONROCK
Typical Passover mo. APR
Many clay relics URNS
Not just mine OURS
Kanga's kiddo ROO
Whimsically imaginative, as writing SEUSSIAN
Sound from some freshly cleaned floors? PLEDGESQUEAK
Heighten BUILD
Yo-yo-like toy with a devilish-sounding name DIABOLO
"___ mia!" MAMMA
Michael Jordan's nickname, with "His" AIRNESS
Trash TOSS
Money under the mattress, e.g.? SQUIRRELLEDCAPITAL
Meyer who directed 1965's "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" RUSS
Cialis alternative VIAGRA
Backslid, say REVERTED
Word before or after down PAT
Pasta often cut at an angle PENNE
Hazard cleanup, in brief DECON
Hindu honorifics SRIS
Weapon whose name is an acronym TASER
"___ tell" PRAY
Legendary bird ROC
Number of jurors who originally vote "Not guilty" in "12 Angry Men" ONE
Mean little suckers? TICKS
Repeat something clever, as parrots might? SQUAWKAFINELINE
"Gesundheit!" prompter ACHOO
"Diet" for the defeated HUMBLEPIE
Tied up LACED
Facebook has more than three billion of them USERS
Aspirations HOPES
"Downton Abbey" network PBS
Flies out of sight SOARS


Excites … or annoys PIQUES
Vulgarity RAUNCH
Poet's palindromic preposition ERE
Midflight announcements, for short ETAS
Count seen in the breakfast aisle CHOCULA
Cry of cringe OOF
Animated file type GIF
Actress Singer of "Footloose" LORI
Elevs. ALTS
Deep, dark ocean caverns BLUEHOLES
Equivalent of a billion years, in geology EON
Bad thing to be caught in LIE
Cigarette purchases PACKS
Nautical greeting AHOY
Scrumptious but not-so-healthful carnival snacks DEEPFRIEDOREOS
Brought in big bucks MADEBANK
Elements of pay-per-click campaigns ADS
Punching sounds in the comics POWS
Coffee shop order LATTE
Feudal worker SERF
In a big way HUGELY
Pot growers? BETS
Classifies ASSORTS
Mice hunters OWLS
Great Leap Forward leader MAO
Bitter brews, for short IPAS
Lock of hair TRESS
Something strapped for cash? PURSE
Go-kart, e.g. RACER
Beaten at ___ own game THEIR
Command+Q, on a Mac QUIT
Family group CLAN
Writing cliché TROPE
Style sported by Theodore Roosevelt and Mark Twain WALRUSMUSTACHE
Forehead-slapping shouts AHAS
Outfit EQUIP
Mysterious qualities AURAS
Yawning, say BORED
Hollywood's Portia de ___ ROSSI
"Raggedy" doll ANN
Make faces for a camera MUG
Barbecue bits COALS
Gorilla who famously learned sign language KOKO
"If I had to guess …" ODDSARE
They're around for the long haul SEMIS
Scorch SEAR
More refined PURER
Loma ___, Calif. LINDA
Monthly util. bill ELEC
Host of the 2022 World Cup QATAR
Horseshoe-shaped pipe fasteners UBOLTS
Boat equipment for removing water on board BILGEPUMP
Car sticker no. MSRP
Parasailing, water polo, etc. AQUATICS
"Watchmen" writer Moore ALAN
What many freelancers work on SPEC
Many a road tripper, informally RVER
"Ich bin ___ Berliner" EIN
They make sounds when they're tickled IVORIES
Wood joint piece TENON
Beethoven's Third EROICA
What Sidney Poitier's character famously came to, in a 1967 film DINNER
Currency in seven American countries (and one Asian) PESOS
Van ___ (beard type) DYKE
Toffee candy bar SKOR
Broccoli ___ RABE
Leatherworking tools AWLS
Cartoon collector's collection, maybe CELS
Greek letter that's the symbol for torque TAU
[I'm trying to watch the movie!] SHH
Status follower QUO
Slack or Zoom APP
Fudge the facts FIB
Language mutually intelligible with Thai LAO