New York Times Crossword Answers March 05, 2025

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Below are New York Times March 05, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find faster answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: Rebecca Goldstein
Editor: Will Shortz


"Adios, ___!" AMIGO
Texter's "you tell me" IDK
Sweet braided bread BABKA
Source of a pulse SONAR
Modernizing prefix NEO
Ingredient in a Whopper ONION
Home of many champion marathoners KENYA
"And just like THAT!" BAM
Small contribution ADDIN
Blowout victory, metaphorically BLOODBATH
Chichén ___ (Mayan archaeological site) ITZA
Latin "wolf" LUPUS
Hulking brute OGRE
Wild backdrop for "Wuthering Heights" MOOR
Biblical patriarch who begat Methuselah ENOCH
Lead-in to ever WHOM
Device for taking notes? ATM
Verbal facepalm DOH
Message meaning "I can't be reached right now" OOO
"Welcome Back, Kotter" role of 1970s TV GABE
Yusuf ___, adopted name of singer Cat Stevens ISLAM
Subtle summons PSST
Woman's name that becomes another woman's name when an "M" is added to the front ELISSA
Missouri tributary PLATTE
One part of a swimming pool DEEPEND
Beat rapidly, as eggs WHISKED
Center CORE
Something of miner concern? ORE
Commotion STIR
A little cute? ELFIN
Comedy bit GAG
Broadway star LuPone PATTI
Talent GIFT
Big softy, perhaps CRIER
Put through the self-checkout SCAN
Research campus in upstate N.Y. RPI
With 66-Across, spooky property that might include a 20-Across and a 7-, 25- and 28-Down HAUNTED
Went underground HID
Exit key ESC
See 62-Across MANSION
Country music's ___ Young Band ELI
Buttonless shirt TEE
Carry-___ ONS
Airport org. TSA
Intelligence org. NSA


"___, and it shall be given you": Matthew 7:7 ASK
Recipient of Bart Simpson's crank calls MOE
New York's Stonewall, e.g. INN
New York's Stonewall, e.g. GAYBAR
Mouthy? ORAL
Puts into play, as a basketball INBOUNDS
Marvel superhero portrayed by Ryan Reynolds DEADPOOL
Fermented, sweetened tea drink KOMBUCHA
Dinghy or dory BOAT
"You said it!" ANDHOW
Two hearts, for one BID
Fish in a garden pond KOI
"Raggedy" doll ANN
Cheer for a fĂștbol team OLE
Fireplace residue ASH
Caught on camera, say IMAGED
event that confirmed the general theory of relativity TOTALECLIPSE
Commercial property left mostly vacant by hybrid work arrangements ZOMBIEOFFICE
Restaurant offering delivery and pickup only GHOSTKITCHEN
Spinning, feathered lures ROOSTERTAILS
Overplayed on stage EMOTED
Clever wit ESPRIT
Actor McKellen IAN
Speedometer fig. MPH
Rotini and bucatini PASTAS
Detected SEEN
Speech therapist's concern LISP
Off-leash areas DOGRUNS
"You don't have to explain your joke to us" WEGETIT
Cloudbursts RAINS
Scary sight for a red-bellied marsh mouse EGRET
World's most populous country as of 2023 INDIA
James of "The Godfather" CAAN
Speed Wagon and Flying Cloud of old autodom REOS
Insurance option, for short HMO
Recombinant ___ DNA