New York Times Crossword Answers March 20, 2025

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Below are New York Times March 20, 2025 Crossword Answers. We have changed the way we posting answers and solutions for clues; instead of opening them in a new page we are revealing answers and solutions in the same page. This is the simplest way for you to find faster answers. As you see in the left side are crossword clues and in the right side are crossword answers.

Author: Daniel Grinberg
Editor: Will Shortz


Puppy bites NIPS
Overly trusting type NAIF
Hay there! BALE
Sign of warming temperatures THAW
"Yeesh!" OHNO
Nowhere to be found, in a way AWOL
Jewish wedding staple … and a clue to the circled square in this row HORA
Actor in "Say Anything …" and "High Fidelity" JOANCUSACK
Deep-frying hazard, maybe SPATTER
Cars whose logo represents the Pleiades star cluster SUBARUS
Aspiring doc's hurdle MCAT
Monica in the International Tennis Hall of Fame SELES
Green-skinned Marvel hero THEHULK
Word processing function … and a clue to the circled square in this row SORT
Worker in a Washington office AIDE
Common antiseptic IODINE
Alternative to mushrooms, maybe LSD
Jewish deli order KNISH
Cleared (of) RID
Something that may be drawn at night DRAPE
What "…" sometimes means ETC
Singer Ric of the Cars OCASEK
Alma mater of Ian Fleming (as well as James Bond) ETON
Poetic time of day … and a clue to the circled square in this row MORN
Urban area associated with gaming SIMCITY
Former world capital that's an anagram of its country's current capital KYOTO
Prom attendee, typically TEEN
Tips back and forth SEESAWS
Capability of being pulled and stretched ELASTICITY
Skin feature … and a clue to the circled square in this row PORE
A lot of lot? ACRE
County north of San Francisco NAPA
Work, work, work TOIL
Gmail button SEND
Hard worker to a degree? GRAD
[Don't delete this] STET


Indefinite degrees NTHS
Restaurant chain acronym IHOP
First responder PARAMEDIC
Upholsterers' samples SWATCHES
Onetime queen of Jordan NOOR
"Yes, that's it!" AHA
Stops for the night? INNS
Devote attention to FOCUSON
Product of hardened lava BASALT
"I'm well ___!" AWARE
Defined set of points LOCUS
Group that once included the members Babe Ruth and Harry Houdini ELKS
Martial arts champion who co-starred in 2020's "Mulan" JETLI
Used a certain rideshare service UBERED
Hot ___ TAKE
When doubled, comment made with a wink HINT
Source of the quote "Allah doesn't task a soul beyond its capacity" KORAN
Us and them, for two SIDES
Put down DIS
The word "aquarium" has one LATINROOT
Word before check or on SPOT
Say it ain't so DENY
Heckle loudly HOOTAT
Boastfulness CROWING
Word sometimes repeated after "Here …" KITTY
Covered with a green growth MOSSED
New York pro athlete NET
N.F.L. star Travis KELCE
Thirst (for) YEARN
Sites for saltwater soaks SPAS
Souvenir from a trip? SCAR
Very little ATAD
City on a lake of the same name ERIE
Arm-raising muscle, informally DELT
Porter or pilsner alternative, in brief IPA